会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:44:06


  Time Deposits of Lump-sum Deposit and Withdrawal
  Time deposits of lump-sum deposit and lump-sum withdrawal are fixed deposits that are deposited by lump-sum, and whose principal and interest are paid by lump-sum upon maturity. The terms of deposit are divided into five grades: 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year or 2 years. The Bank issues registered certificates of deposit for such deposits.       整存整取定期存款为固定存期,一次存入,到期一次支取本息,存期分为1个月、3个月,6个月,1年,2年五个档次。银行出具记名式存单。   Foreign currencies with a value not less than the equivalent of 500 RMB yuan for a B-type deposit, or foreign currencies with a value not less than the equivalent of RMB50 yuan for a C-type deposit. Such deposit may be withdrawn fully or partially prior to maturity for once, or, upon authorization in advance, handled on agency renewal of depositing upon maturity by the bank.       乙种存款为不低于人民币500元的等值外币;
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