会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:44:06


  Overview of the Banking Industry in China
  I.Thr Role of the Banking Sector in China
  Paragragh 14 (P3,第2行)
  1.The stabilization and adhustment efforts that began in 1993 brought the economy to a soft landing.
  (1)bring the economy to a soft landing:实现经济的软着陆
  economy: n.system for the management and use of resources:经济(制度)
  例:domestic economy:家庭经济;家政
  national economy:国家经济
  a soft landing:软着陆
  2.Inflation measured by retail price index declined from the peak of 21.7 percent in 1994 to 0.8 percent in 1997 and remained subdued in the following years while real GDP growth moderated gradully from 13.5 percent in 1993 to a more sustainable rate.
  (1)retail price index:零售物价指数
  (2)decline: v.continue to become smaller,weaker,lower:继续变小,变弱,变低
  例:a declining birthrate:在下降中的出生率
  declining sale:销售不景气
  (3)subdue: vt.make quieter,softer,gentler:缓和;减弱
  (4)moderate: v.make or become less violent or extreme:缓和;减轻;稳定
  (5)sustain: v.(enable to) keep up;maintain:(使能)维持;保持;
  sustainable: a.
  a more sustainable rate:可持续发展的水平上
  3.The robust microeconomic growth has been sustained since then despite the negative impact of the Asian financial crisis.
  (1)robust macroeconomic growth:强劲的宏观经济增长
  robust: a.vigorous;healthy:有活力的;健康的
  macroeconomic: a.宏观经济的
  Asian financial crisis:亚洲金融危机
  (2)negative impact:不利影响;负面影响
  negative: a.expressing the absence of any positive character; that stops,hinders or makes powerless:消极的;反对的
  (3)impact: n.strong impression or effect:强烈印象或影响
  4.The external sector performance also improved significantly during the period.
  (1)external sector:涉外(经济)部门;外贸企业
  5.The strong export performance and capital inflow resulted in the increase of official foreign exchange reserves, from USD51.6 billion at the end of 1994 to nearly USD166 billion at the end of 2000.
  (1)capital inflow:资本流入
  (2)official foreign exchange reserves:官方外汇储备
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