会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 09:04:37


  上一讲我们谈的话题是 Competition - 竞 争。我们学了这样几个英文词汇:
  1 perfect competition 完全竞争
  2 imperfect competition 不完全竞争
  3 monopoly 垄断
  如同我们在上一讲中提到的,完全竞争只是一种理论研究的假设,它在现实生活中是不存在的。真实市场上的竞争是 imperfect competition,不完全竞争。
  A national policy was needed because of the increasing integration of Australia into a single market rather than several separate state markets. Further, with the advent of globalisation, Australia needed to become more competitive internationally to maintain and improve its standard of living.
  1 integration 结合,整体
  2 globalisation 全球化
  3 standard of living 生活标准,生活水平
  Competition policy is the policies that governments enact in order to deal with where and how and at what level of intensity they want to use the force of competion in driving an economy and driving a society.
  Now a competition policy decides where, when and how you're going to use competition as opposed to where, when and how you might use an administered system of a government or legislated monopoly.
  We coined the term National Competition Policy both to emphasise that we needed policies about where and how competition could be better used, and to emphasise that those policies should be national.

  As we try to increase competition, albeit imperfectly, and we embrace the market system, we're changing the way society functions. In other words, we are reducing the size of the public sector and increasing the size of the private sector.
  Historically, when the government provided utilities to us, the relationship that existed was between citizen and government. However, as we take these utilities out of the public sector and into the private sector, then the relationship changes - we become consumers interacting with the market.
  And as we move from the role of citizen to consumer we lose rights to question the way these essential utilities operate in our society.
  When they were public institutions we had the right under Freedom of Information legislation to find out what was going on. That kind of information is denied to us in the private sector because of commercial sensitivity.

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 09:04:38


  1 public sector 公营机构,政府资助或控制的企业
  2 private sector 私营企业
  3 essential utilities 基本公用设施,如煤气水电等
  4 commercial sensitivity 商业敏感性
  1 integration 结合,整体
  2 globalisation 全球化
  3 standard of living 生活标准,生活水平
  4 public sector 公营机构,政府资助或控制的企业
  5 private sector 私营企业
  6 essential utilities 基本公用设施,如煤气水电等
  7 commercial sensitivity 商业敏感性
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