会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 09:54:19


   这是选自外媒对上海热带风暴水上世界的旅游性质评论文章,这一类的文章,一般用语、遣词什么的都非常有趣和地道,进行反译练习,差别也最为明显,可以学到很多我们自己编不出来的、非常生动的英语表达。这里的“水上世界”官方英文名是Dino beach。
  conniezc:Foreign tourists are not used to the tropical storms, so the place agrees more to the local residents. Wanna have fun? You have to accept the fact that you are in China. In the crowds, your personal space can be only counted by centimeters. However, if you are fine with these, you will have an unforgetable journey. Besides, you will have a lot to talk about when you are back, like the differences between the east and west on "beach culture"-- in China, you can see the beach fashion elements, sunblockaholics, parasols and tents everywhere.
  点评:agree to这个词组用得非常好,在表达气候、环境等适合某人的时候,可以用agree to这个词组,而且主语必须是物,宾语为人。另外,末尾一句中的sunblockaholic,运用加后缀-holic的造词法,造出来这么一个颇为可爱的词,令人眼前一亮。这种类似于-holic的后缀,可以用来造出不少生动的词语,大家在翻译中可以多多利用这种“造词法”哦。
  总评:joe036同学将“人山人海”形象地翻译成the sea of faces——用face来指代人,没有拘泥于中文的字面表达,非常好,而且也很幽默;而angela611的翻译是drowning in hundrens of thousands of people,动词的选用很巧妙,一个drown就表达出了那种在人群里挣扎的绝望感……“防晒控”一说,除了上面sunblockaholic的翻译,cutiexuhua同学选用了更简单、同时也很准确的译法:sunblock lovers。kristinying同学写出了rewarding trip——rewarding是一个很好用的形容词,可以用来替换被用滥的fruitful、interesting等形容词。此外,大家的译文中,“克服”大多都是翻译成overcome,其实原文中用的是get over这个词组——语意较overcome要轻,适合这里的语境,而且这个词组我们虽然都了解意思,但是自己使用的话,应该还没有达到得心应手的境界吧。
  The Dino experience is not so much for tourists as for locals, so to enjoy it properly, you need to embrace the fact that you are indeed in China. It might be crowded and your personal space might be reduced to mere centimeters, but if you can get over this, it will be a memorable experience that you can tell stories about. Stories such as witnessing the chance to see firsthand the differences between Chinese and Western beach culture -- funny beach fashion, sun-phobia, sun-brellas and beach tents.
  (英文出自CNN GO.com)
  第一句里的not so much for A as for B的句型,非常简单,但是我们自己用的很少,这种as much as的句子其实用处很大,大家平时可以注意积累一下。
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查看完整版本: 翻译小练习:中译英3-“防晒控”的英文地道说法