会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 14:10:48

法语 双语绕口令(10)

  1. Si ces six cent six sangsues sont sans sucer son sang, ces six cent six sangsues sont sans succès.   2. Si six scies scient six cyprès, six cent six scies scient six cent six cyprès.
  3. Etant sorti sans parapluie,
  il m'eût plus plu qu'il plût plus tôt.
  4. Même maman m'a mis ma main dans mon manchon.
  5. Ce chasseur sait chasser sans son chien dit le sage garde-chasse, chasseur sachez chasser sans chien!
  6. Fruits frais, fruits frits, fruits cuits, fruits crus.
  7. Le ver vert va vers le verre vert.
  8. Piano, panier, panier, piano.
  9. La sole a salé son lit mais la mer a lavé le lit que la sole a salé et la sole rissole dans la casserole.
  10. Juste juge jugez Gilles jeune et jaloux.
  Rough Translations
  1.If these 606 leeches don't suck one's blood, these 606 leeches are unsuccessful.
  2.If six saws saw six cypreses, six hundred six saws saw six hundred six cypreses.
  3.Since I went out without an umbrella, it would have been better if it had rained earlier.
  4.My mother has put my hand in my sleeve.
  5.This hunter knows how to hunt without his dog, says the wise hunting ward. Hunter know how to hunt without dog!
  6.Fresh fruit, fried fruit, cooked fruit, raw fruit.
  7.The green worm is going towards the green glass.
  8.Piano, basket, basket, piano.en.Examw.CoM
  9.The sole dirtied its bed but the sea washed the bed that the sole has dirtied, and the sole is browning (frying) in the casserole.
  10.Just judge, judge young and jealous Gilles.
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