会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 22:04:55

德语翻译辅导:英德互译 22

  1. I have my paper and my pencil. / Is it possible?
  2. Do you (familiar sing.) have your book? /Naturally.
  3. The teacher (f.) needs her ballpoint pen.
  4. Who believes practice makes perfect?
  5. The boy and the girl have their paper.
  6. Do you (formal) see the pencil? Where is it?
  7. The blackboard is almost empty.
  8. Is his name Hans? 中华考试网
  9. They are sick, but they are not staying at home.
  10. Do you (fam. pl.) understand the teacher (m.)?
  11. What do you (fam. s.) mean?
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