会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 22:04:55


  1. Why is the woman holding her hat?
  2. Our daughters like to ride (horseback).
  3. He is praying for his mother, for she is very sick.
  4. Children grow quickly.
  5. The soldier does not want to kill the enemy, but he must.
  6. I can’t stand her. Is she lazy or what?
  7. She is asking for the report, but he does not have it.
  8. Who doesn’t like to eat chocolate?
  9. The queen suffers a lot, but she is not afraid.
  10. I hate the soldier over there. Do you (s.) hatehim too?
  11. Sometimes the days are long, and sometimes the years are short.
  12. I’m sorry, but I can’t understand you. You must speak slowly and distinctly.
  1. Ich laufe schnell.
  2. Ja, sie k?nnen ihn sehr gut sehen.
  3. Warum nicht? Wir haben genug Zeit.
  4. Sie kann nur langsam gehen.
  5. Ja, er h?lt immer da.
  6. Wir k?nnen leider nicht reiten.
  7. Wir wollen keine Fehler machen, aber wir k?nnen das W?rterbuch nicht finden.
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