会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 22:32:39

德语词汇辅导 :德语介词(英德对照)

Prepositions that take the Accusative casedurchthroughgegenagainstumaroundfürforohnewithoutPreps. that take the Dative caseausout (of), from (country, town or place)mitwith, by means of (transportation)vonfrom (person, open space, or direction), byseitsince, forbeinear, at, at home of or place of businessnachafter, to (cities and countries)zuto (mostly people and specifically named buildings)gegenüberacross fromaußerexcept for, besidesPreps. that take the Genitive casewährendduringtrotzin spite ofanstattinstead ofwegenbecause ofPreps. that may take Acc. or Dat.anat, to, on (vertical surfaces, denotes border or limiting area)aufonto, on (horizontal surfaces), to (some public buildings)hinterbehindinin, into (building, enclosed space, feminine or plural countries)nebenbeside, next toüberover, above, across, aboutunterunder, below, among, beneathvorin front of, beforezwischenbetween
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