会计考友 发表于 2012-8-17 13:23:50


  Before the widespread use of computers, managers could not(51) full use of large amounts of valuable information about a company's activities. The information either(52) managers too late or was too expensive to be used. Today, managers are facing a wide(53) of data processing and information instruments. Managers can draw on computer-based information systems to control(54) in every area of their company. On any kinds of performance measures, the information provided by these systems helps managers compare standards(55) actual results, find problems, and take proper action(56) it is too late to make changes.
  The (57) of computerized (电脑化) information systems has sharply changed management control in many companies.Even a neighborhood shopkeeper may now use computers to(58) sales, billing, and other activities.
  Now, there are about 24 million microcomputers in(59) in the United States m one for every 10 citizens. It is(60) that by 1996, 61 percent of American managers will be using some sort of electronic work station. In order for managers to be sure that the computer-based information they are receiving is(61), they need to understand how computers work. However, in most(62) they do not need to learn how to program computers. Rather, managers should understand how computerized information systems work; how they are(63); their limitations and costs; and the manner in which information systems may be used.(64) an understanding is not difficult to achieve.
  One research found that business firms were more successful in teaching(65) information about computers to business graduates than they were in teaching business subjects to computer science graduates.
  51 A take      B have       C make       D get
  52 A found       B changed    C reached    D influenced
  53 A district    B range      C band       D aspect
  54 A actions   B activities C acts      D activation
  55 A with      B to         C for      D by
  56 A until       B before   C while      D when
  57 A donation    B conversion C auction    D introduction
  58 A work      B reduce   C control    D change
  59 A use         B usage      C activity   D construction
  60 A estimated   B taught   C called   D recommended
  61 A innovative B necessaryC accurate   D strict
  62 A occasions   B times      C cases      D examples
  63 A invented    B expanded   C modified   D developed
  64 A That      B This       C Such       D So
  65 A complex   B basic      C serious    D favorable
  51. C  52. C  53. B  54. B  55. A
  56. B  57. D  58. C  59. A  60. A
  61. C  62. C  63. D  64. C  65. B
  51. C 考查固定搭配:make use of 利用,make full use of 充分利用。
  52. C 第一句讲了在电脑为普及之前,管理者不能充分利用公司活动的有价值信息。此句说明了原因:要不就是他们得到信息太晚了,要不就是因为信息太贵了。故选 reach,其他词义不符。

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-17 13:23:51


  53. B 考查固定搭配:a wide range of :多种多样的。
  54. B 考查同根词区别。activity 指某一团体具体的活动、动态; action 指抽象的行为、活动;act 指行为、活动;activation 指活化作用。这里指公司的具体活动,故选 B.
  55. A 考查相似搭配。compare A to B : 把 A 比作B;compare A with B : 把A与B做比较。其他两个选项不能与 compare 搭配。文意是说经理把标准与实际结果做比较。
  56. B 句意是说“在太晚而不能改变之前就——”,因此用 before.
  57. D 句意是“电脑化信息系统的引进大大改变了许多公司的管理控制”。Introduction 意思是“引进,引用”,其他词义不符。
  58. C 由于电脑的普及,现在即使街道的商店主人也可以用电脑来控制销售、账单以及其他事情,故用 control ,其他词义不符。
  59. A 考查固定搭配。in use :处于使用中。
  60. A “It is estimated that —— ”据估计,到1996 年,百分之六十一的管理者们将使用电子工作站。其他词不符文意。
  61. C 句意是“为确保信息准确,管理者需要搞清楚电脑是如何工作的”,故选 accurate,其他词义不符。
  62. C 考查固定搭配。In most cases:多数情况下。
  63. D 管理者们只需弄明白电脑化信息系统是如何工作、如何发展、缺点和成本、以及信息系统的使用方式。选项中只有D 项符合文意。
  64. C this, that 不能与 an 同时使用;such 后跟名词,so 后跟形容词。an understanding 是名词短语,故选 such.
  65. C 句子大意是“一项研究发现, 商业公司为商务专业的研究生讲授基本的电脑信息要比他们为计算机科学的研究生讲授商业课题更加成功。因此选B,其他选项不符文意。
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