会计考友 发表于 2012-2-23 17:09:42


Chapter 4 Human rights   1 Human Rights ACT 1998
  1.1 The Human Rights Act imposes a duty in "public authorities" to comply with the European Convention on Human Rights, and allows us to take action in the UK courts for violations of Convention rights.
  1.2 Prior to the Act conventions rights could only be enforced in the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg which could be time consuming, expensive and daunting.
  1.3 Now that the convention is part of UK law (HRA98) those rights can now be enforced in UK courts.
  2 The rights (articles)
  2.1 The main rights are:
  2.1.1 the right to life (A.2)
  2.1.2 prohibition of torture (A.3)
  2.1.3 no slavery or forced labour (A.4)
  2.1.4 right to liberty and security (A.5)
  2.1.5 right to a fair trial (A.6)
  2.1.6 no punishment without law (A.7) (generally therefore criminal offences should not be retrospective)
  2.1.7 right to respect for privacy, family life (A.8)
  2.1.8 freedom of thought, conscience and religion (A.9)
  2.1.9 freedom of expression, assembly and association (A.10/A.11)
  2.1.10 right to marry (A.12)
  2.1.11 no discrimination in rights (A.14)考试用书
  2.1.12 right to property
  2.1.13 right to education
  2.1.14 right to free elections.

  (Note that the Articles are set out in full in your Study Text).
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查看完整版本: 2011年ACCA公司法和商法F4(双语)讲义:第四章