jamesldcr 发表于 2012-10-25 14:43:36


高级英语 文章中需要背诵的段落(上册)Lesson One 在文单的头三段里,作者以相同的手法描写了三位摇滚歌星的表演盛况。青少年把他们视为偶像,赞美不绝,而成年观众则觉得他们恶心,难以心爱,这反映了青少年和成人社会对摇滚乐截然不同的态度。 In the first three paragraphs, the author describes the wonderful performance of three rock superstars by the same means. Teenagers see them as icons, praising them endlessly, while adult viewers reject them as sick, which shows the different attitudes towards rock music by teenagers and adults. 背诵: How do you feel about all this adulation and hero worship? When Mick Jagger’s fans look at him as a high priest主教or a god, are you with them or against them? Do you share Chris Singer’s almost religious reverence for Bob Dylan? Do you think he – or Dylan – is misguided? Do you reject Alice Cooper as sick? Or are you drawn somehow to this strange clown, perhaps because he acts out your wildest fantasies? 你嫌艾利斯·库珀恶心吗? 或者是你吸引着这个奇怪的小丑,也许是由于他表现出你最狂热的幻想?Lesson Two 正如本课中所说的,他们当中有些人脱离传统的社会活动,拒绝承担任何社会责任,过着颓废的寄生生活;有些人逃离城市,跑到偏僻的乡间过着原始公社式的生活;有些人则试图以暴力手段改变社会状况,遭到了残酷的镇压。作者认为只有一点一点地改良社会才是青年人应走的道路。 As stated in the text, some of them drop out, rejecting any social responsibility, leading a parasitic life. Others escape from the city to the remote countryside for a primitive life; still others try to reform the society by force, only to be crushed down brutally. According to the writter the only way for the young people is to reform the society piecemeally. Recite: 第五段(II Flee………………………flowing the other way) Lesson Three 女孩由于不懂白喉之可怕,不愿被医生发现自己的病情而抗拒医生的检查。而医生作出这一反应是出自社会责任心,也是自身的权威及尊严受到挑战的结果。 Unware of the harm of diphtheria, the little girl was unwilling to be discovered so that declined to be examined by the doctor. While the doctor responded as a result of social responsibility and the challenge to his authority and dignity. Lesson Four 安乐死分主动和被动两种。前者是医生给病人打一针致命的针剂,让病人结束痛苦并死去。后者是医生不采取任何措施,让病人死亡。被动安乐死是许多国家所接受的。如果用法律形式确认安乐死的合法性,就可能为谋死开绿灯。 Mercy-killing can be categorized into two groups – active and passive ones. The former is to give a fatal injection to the patient, letting him end his pains and die; the latter is to let the patient die withholding any medical treatment, which is accepted by many countries. If a legal framework of euthanasia is confirmed, the precedent for killing will probably be set up.

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