会计考友 发表于 2012-3-18 16:46:57


Fortune 500 财富500强
Fortune Global 500 财富全球500强
forward contract 远期合同
free alongside 船边交货
free carrier 货交船运人
free floating exchange rate. variable exchange rate 自由浮动汇率
free on board 船上交货
free port 自由港
free trade zone 保税区
free-rider 免费搭车者
free-trade port,free port 自由港
free-trade zone 自由贸易区
Freight Forwarder 货运代理
freon-free refrigerator 无氟冰箱
friction and conflict 摩擦和冲突
gangster inn 黑店
gateway 网关
GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) 关贸总协定(世界贸易组织的前身)
general merchandise 一般商品
general preferential duties 普通优惠关税
general tariff 通用税则
general trade 总贸易
generalized preferential system; general system of preferences 普遍优惠制
generic products 非商标(非专利)产品
global quota 全球配额
global system of multilateral trade 全球多边贸易体系
global village 地球村
GM food (genetically modified food) 转基因食品
GMO (genetically modified organism) 转基因组织
GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) 转基因生物
go public 上市
go public through buying a shell 买壳上市
go through customs procedures 办理海关手续
goods from other places 外路货
goods made for domestic market 内销商品
goods sold at reduced prices 处理品
government procurement 政府采购
grandfather clause 祖父条款
grant the national treatment to 实行国民待遇
green channel 绿色通道
green food 绿色食品
grey area measures 灰色区域措施
groceries 杂货
gross margin on sales 销货毛利
页: [1]
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