学习无止境 发表于 2016-11-17 09:20:02


在大学英语四级考试备考的时候,广大考生要注意关注历年来的考试热门话题,有助于大家把握考试复习方向,做到运筹帷幄。《大学英语四级考试真题精析与标准预测》特意为大家收录了很多经典真题,并对热门话题进行了预测和解答,希望可以帮助到大家!【经典真题:自然现象】    冰山是大自然最雄伟壮观的产物之一,然而大多数人从未见过冰山。一种模糊的神秘感笼罩着冰山。它们诞生在遥远、寒冷的海洋的某一个角落里。冰山存在的时间不长,然后就悄无声息地慢慢融化。冰山被称为美得最纯粹的东西。形态各异的冰山可能是令人炫目的白色,也可能是晶莹剔透的蓝色、绿色或紫色,戴着浅浅的或是渐深的色彩。在日光照耀下平静的海面上,冰山显得典雅、庄重、壮观。【参考译文】    Iceberg is one of the nature ‘s most spectacular products. However ,most people have never seen an iceberg. So a kind of vague mystery has long been connected with iceberg. They are born in the remote and cold corners of the ocean. Icebergs are short-lived. They always melt quietly and slowly after they are born. People regard iceberg as the most beautiful thing in the world. Various shapes of iceberg could be dazzling white, crystal clear blue, green or purple. They are all born with light or gradient colors. Under the sunshine, iceberg seems elegant, severe and grand in the calm sea surface.    自然是关于人类生存环境的热门话题,几乎每年都会出现在大大小小的试卷上,大家平时看到相关话题要多多留意,注重积累,这样考试的时候如果碰到了,就可以轻松得分啦!最后预祝考生们顺利拿下四级考试!加油!   来源:智阅网
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