会计考友 发表于 2012-8-4 12:19:50


41. How can you create a file of all your ISA plug and play device settings?
A. pnpdump > isapnp.conf
B. pnpdump -isa > isapnp.conf
C. isadump > isapnp.conf
D. cat /proc/isa
E. isaadmin --dump >isapnp.conf
You answered this question incorrectly
Explanation: Only A is right

42. What command allows you to switch from using Gnome to using KDE?
A. Xconfigurator
B. Xsetup
C. Xwindowconfig
D. switchdesk
E. videocfg
You answered this question incorrectly
Explanation: The switchdesk program allows you to switch desktop enviornments and window managers.

43. What command will turn off the ftpd service in all runlevels?
A. chkconfig ftpd off
B. rm /etc/rc.d/init.d/*ftpd*
C. chkconfig --levels 12345 ftpd off D. service ftpd stop
E. service ftpd stop -persistant
You answered this question incorrectly
Explanation: The chkconfig command is used to do this. You should also know how to use ntsysv.


44. You have Linux installed on a machine and you use LILO as your boot loader. How do you boot into single user mode?
A. Wait for the machine to boot up then log in as root. Use the init 2 command.
B. At the LILO prompt use the linux single command.
C. At the LILO prompt use the linux 1 command.
D. At the LILO prompt use the linux command.
E. Linux only supports multi-user mode.
You answered this question incorrectly
Explanation: Either linux single or linux 1 will work at the LILO prompt. A will not work because single user mode is runlevel 1. D will only work if the default runlevel in /etc/inittab is set to 1 (which it is not normally.)

45. You have created a /home/projectx directory with the owner of projectx and a group of projectx. How can you set its permissions so that all files created in this directory are owned by the projectx group?
A. chown projectx.projextx /home/projectx
B. chgrp projectx /home/projectx
C. chmod 755 /home/projectx
D. chmod g-s /home/projectx
E. chmod g+s /home/projectx
You answered this question incorrectly
Explanation: The

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-4 12:19:51


a command tells you about your NICs. B is correct. C is wrong because it shows you the routing table. D doesn’t do anyting. E just shows you the etc/ports file.

47. You install Linux and reboot your machine and you see only L instead of the expected LILO. What is wrong?
A. Lilo did not load at all.
B. The first stage boot loader loaded but not the second stage.
C. The descriptor table is corrupt.
D. The second stage boot loader loaded at an incorrect address
E. Nothing is wrong.
You answered this question incorrectly
Explanation: When Lilo just displays an L then the first stage boot loader loaded but not the second stage. If the second stage loaded then LILO would print an LI. When the descriptor table is corrupt LILO prints LIL-. When the second stage boot loader is loaded at an incorrect address LILO prints LIL?.

48. How do I immeadiately shut down a Linux system?
A. Turn off the monitor then turn off the CPU.
B. /sbin/stop
C. init 6
D. shutdown -h now
E. None of the above
You answered this question incorrectly
Explanation: A is wrong because you should always gracefully shut down a machine. B is wrong because there is no such command. C is wrong becauuse it will reboot the machine. Hence D is correct.

49. You want to compile a new kernel. You have just run
A. make bzImage
B. make dep
C. make clean
D. make mrproper
E. make xconfig
You answered this question incorrectly
Explanation: The first thing you should do in the /usr/src/linux-2.4 directory is
make mrproper
Thencomma you should do the following: make config46. How can you find out which ports are being used?
A. ifconfig -a
B. netstat -a
C. netstat -rn
D. ports
E. cat /etc/services
You answered this question incorrectly
Explanation: The netstat -a command shows you which ports are in use. A is wrong because the ifconfig -make menuconfig | make xconfig
make dep
make clean
make bzImage
make modules (if modular kernel)
make modules_install (if modular kernel)
cp System.map /boot/System.map-2.4.17
cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.17
cp .config /boot/config-2.4.17
mkinitrd /boot/initrd- # Depending on kernel configuration
Update LILO or GRUB
Reboot into new kernel

50. What does the following cron entry do?
10 5 * * * /bin/foo
A. runs /bin/foo every 10 minutes 5 days a week
B. runs /bin/foo at 10:05 AM every day
C. runs /bin/foo on the 10th of May every year
D. runs /bin/foo at 5:10 AM every day
E. none of the above
You answered this question incorrectly
Explanation: The fields are: minute hour day of month month day of week command
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