会计考友 发表于 2012-8-4 12:33:16


 Q76 Which of the following are true?   A A TextField object may generate an ActionEvent
  B A TextArea object may generate an ActionEvent.
  C A Button object may generate an ActionEvent.
  D A MenuItem object may generate an ActionEvent.
  Q77 Which of the following are true?
  A Multithreading is uniQue to Java.
  B Multithreading reQuires more than one CPU.
  C Multithreading reQuires that a computer have a single CPU.
  D Multithreading is supported by Java.
  Q78 Given an object t that implements Runnable, which method of the Thread class should you invoke to cause t to be executed as a separate thread?
  A start()
  B init()
  C run()
  D main()
  Q076 ACD
  Q077 D
  Q078 A
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查看完整版本: 2011年JAVA认证模拟题(26)