会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 11:09:43


1.The medicine is on sale everywhere. You can get it at__1__chemist's.
A) each
B) some
C) certain
D) any

2.You cannot be__2__careful when you drive a car.
A) very
B) so
C) too
D) enough

3.In general, the amount that a student spends for housing should be held to one-fifth of the total__3__for living expenses.
A) acceptable
B) available
C) advisable
D) applicable

4. Every man in this country has the right to live where he wants to,__4__the color of his skin.
A) with the exception of
B) in the light of
C) by virtue of
D) regardless 0f

5.Housewives who do not go out to work often feel they are not working to their full__5__.
A) capacity
B) strength
C) length
D) possibility

[译文] 这种药到处都有卖的,你在任何药店都可以买到。
答案为D。词汇测试。本题测试不定代词的用法。each , some , certain, and any 都可用作名词的定语,但各自的含义不同,使用的场合也不同。

[译文] 驾驶时你怎么小心也不为过。
答案为C。惯用法测试。本题测试点是 can not…too/can nearer…too 表示怎么……也不会过分。

[译文] 一般来说,学生的往宿费用应掌握占其所有的生活费用的五分之一为好。
答案为B。词义测试题。available 意为“可得到的”(后常接for);acceptable 意为“可接受的”;advisable 意为“可取的”;applicable 意为“能应用的”(后常接to)
[译文] 这个国家的每个公民不管其肤色怎样都有权利住在他想居住的地方。
答案为D。复合介词测试。with the exception of 意为“除……之外”;in the light of 意为“按照,根据”;by virtue of 意为“凭借,依靠”;regardless of意为“无论……”

[译文] 不出去工作的家庭主妇们常常感到她们没有充分施展自己的才能。
答案为A。近义词辨析题。capacity 意为“能力”;strength 意为“力量”;length 意为“长度”;possibility 意为“可能性”。
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查看完整版本: 英语专业四级考试词汇语法题训练三十九