会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 11:09:43


1. To call the music of another music-culture “primitive” is ____ one’s own standards on a group that does not recognize them.
A putting
B emphasizing
C forcing
D imposing

2. The report found nothing in his muddled ___ to merit prosecuting anymore.
A treasure
B money
C finances
D incomes

3. To his own surprise, John___ his driving test this time.
A breezed through
B saw through
C ran through
D pulled through

4. The question why he was absent yesterday___ in the conversation.
A came out
B came round
C came off
D came up

5. The problem has___ simply because you didn’t follow my instructions.
A raised
B aroused
C risen
D arisen

Key 1-5 DCADD
1. Imposed on/upon“强加于” One should not impose one’s views upon others.

2. Treasure珍宝,财富;money金钱;finance 财政,资金;income收入

breeze though轻松或不费力地完成或通过It’s amazing that the little girl breezed through the novel.
Run through预演/习 Let’s run through the first scene.
See through看穿,贯彻到底Once Charles started a job, he saw it through till it was finished.
Pull through度过难关A loan from the bank pulled him through the business trouble.

come up被提出Her divorce case comes up next month.
Come out出版How did the movie finally come out?
Come round来访,苏醒Won’t you come round and see me sometime?
Come off 发生,实现,成功The film doesn’t quite come off.

arise(问题,事件)出现,发生 A revolt has arisen among the peasants.
Raise提出,及物动词He raised a new point in his newly published book.
Arouse引起,激起,唤起 Her action aroused her suspicion.
Rise(具体事物)上升,上涨 The river has risen two feet.
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