会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 11:09:43


  1.      Now that the____shock was wearing off, he was in considerable pain.
  A.       incredible      B. intricate         C. internal         D. initial
  2.      He could also learn to use the vacuum cleaner, the washing machine and other household____.
  A.       Appliance      B. accessories       C. machines         D. mechanism
  3.      Anger is the natural reaction we experience when we feel threatened or____.
  A.       Deported      B. involved          C. deprived         D. frustrated
  4.      A senior official had been stripped of his____and all his privileges for publicly criticizing his former employer.
  A.       Scope         B. range             C. rank            D. domain
  5.      The government____that all who wanted to live and work in this country must hold the passport.
  A.       Commanded    B. decreed          C. presumed      D. articulated
  Answers: DADCB
  1. 【D】
  Incredible: extremely good, large, or great
  Intricate: made up of many small parts put together in a complex way, and therefore difficult to follow or understand
  Internal: of or on the inside
  Initial: of or at the beginning; first
  2. 【A】
  Appliance: instrument or device for a specific purpose
  Accessory: thing that is a useful or decorative extra but that is not essential; minor fitting or attachment
  Machine: a piece of equipment with moving parts that uses power such as electricity to do a particular job
  Mechanism: working parts of a machine, etc
  3. 【D】
  Deport: legally force (a foreigner, criminal, etc) to leave a country
  Involve: include or affect (sb/sth) in its operation
  Deprive: take sth away from sb/sth; prevent sb/sth from enjoying or using sth
  Frustrate: upset or discourage (sb)
  4. 【C】
  Scope: range of matters being dealt with, studied, etc
  Range: limits between which sth varies; extent
  Rank: position or grade in the armed forces
  Domain: field of thought, knowledge or activity
  5. 【B】
  Command: to tell someone officially to do something, especially if you are a military leader, a king etc
  Decree: order given by a ruler or an authority and having the force of a law
  Presume: suppose (sth) to be true; take (sth) for granted
  Articulate: to express your ideas or feelings in words
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