会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 11:20:45


In this section there are five passages followed by ten questions or unfinished statements. Skim or scan them as required and then mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.

First read the following question.
31. The purpose of the passage is to_____.
A. describe ways of eliminating mosquito larvae
B. demonstrate the great differences among kinds of mosquitoes
C. show reasons for the high survival rate of mosquitoes
D. give a general description of mosquito development

Now read Text E quickly and mark your answer on your ANSWER SHEET.

Each variety of mosquitos has its favored kind of water accumulation for breeding, and almost every imaginable type of still water has been used by at least one kind of mosquito to lay its eggs. After the eggs hatch, the larvae continue to be closely associated with water's surface at the tail ends of their bodies. Because the larvae develop this way, they are never found in the open water of lakes where they would merely serve as fish food, or in places where they would be damaged by wave action or water currents.
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