会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10


  It is difficult for an American to understand soccer.
  I learned the hard way. When I was in Glasgow,
  going to the school, I had to choose which of the —1—
  city's two mighty teams I would back, Celtic in
  green, Rangers in blue. Because of a boy I had —2—
  cheered for the Boston Celtics basketball team,
  I decide in my lot with their namesakes. One—3—
  winter afternoon before Celtic had won a brutal—4—
  game at the Ranger's park, I was walking home,
  wearing my green ribbon, while a Ranger fan—5—
  leaped out of the shadows and punched me in
  mouth so hard I feel backward. Other Ranger fans—6—
  picked me up and apologized, "He doesn't mean
  nothing personal. He just hates Celtic." A fan's—7—
  loyalty lasts for life. In several football countries,
  it has noted, factory production goes up or down,—8—
  depending upon the home team's win and loss.—9—
  After England's 1966 victory in the Word Cup,
  immigration to Australia from England dropped
  for 18 percent. "That victory made Englishmen—10—
  feel that Britain still has a future." an Australian
  official explained.

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:11


  1. 删除school之前的the
  2. of—as或when
  从句法分析看,because引导一个原因状语从句。because as a boy I had cheered for the Boston Celtics basketball team,从句中也有状语as a boy(=as/when I was a boy)
  3. decided—cast/threw
  cast/threw in one's lot with sb.为固定搭配,意义为“与某人祸福与共”
  4. before—after/when
  从时间顺序来看下文 发生在本文主人翁身上,即遭到袭击是发生在比赛结束后
  5. while—when
  6. 在mouth之前加the
  定冠词the置于人体器官之前以表示身体之一部分或私人之所有。如to hang the head in shame
  7. nothing—anything
  it为形式主语,真正的主语是 factory production goes up or down,depending upon the home team's win and loss.该现象是人们注意到的,故为被动语态较合理
  与上文的factory production goes up or down相协调,depending upon the home team's win or loss
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