会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10


  People's attitude toward drugs varies from person to
  person. Some regard it as miraculous; others think of __1__
  them as dangerous. Then what is the sensible attitude
  toward drugs? I think the first thing to think is the __2__
  difference between drugs and wonder drugs. The
  antibiotics can really treat certain bacterial diseases. __3__
  On the other hand, the major diseases threatening
  Americans today are cancer, stroke, high blood
  pressure, coronary disease, etc. Against them, the
  doctor's bag of tricks is limited. He has wonder __4__
  drugs. So the first important lesson is not to expect
  too many from drugs. If you can accept the fact __5__
  that the war against many of our most devastating
  diseases is, at best, a holding operation more than __6__
  an inevitable triumph, they will do a great deal to __7__
  ease your own life as well as that of your doctor.
  Too many patients exert great pressure on doctors
  to describe for every symptom, even when such __8__
  treatment is unwarranted or dangerous.
  Unfortunately, the medical profession is guilty of
  taking part, to a certain extent, in the wrongful
  action. The patient who demands a short of penicillin
  for every sniffle and sneeze may be given an injection __9__
  by a reluctant physician because he is certain that
  if he does not , the patient will not search until he find __10__
  a doctor who will.

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:11


  1. it——them
  2. 在think和is之间加of或about
  3. treat——cure
  4. 在wonder前加no
  5. many——much
  6. more——rather
  7. they——it
  it指代上文的the fact that the war against many of our most devastating
  diseases is, at best, a holding operation more than an inevitable triumph.
  8. describe——prescrible
  9. an——the
  此处的injection特指上文的a short of penicillin
  10. 删除not
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