会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 11:42:11


1 The following were the founding fathers of the American Republic except _____.
A George Washington B Thomas Jefferson
C William Penn D Benjamin Franklin
2 The New Deal was started by _____.
A Franklin Roosevelt B J.K. Kennedy
C George Washington D Thomas Jefferson
3 The United States was rated _____ in the world in terms of land areas.
A second B third C fourth D fifth
4 The expenditure in American public schools is guided or decided by _____.
A Teachers B students C headmaster D boards of education
5 The Bill of Rights consists of _____.
A 10 very short paragraphs in an amendment
B 10 amendments adopted in 1787
C 10 amendments added to the Constitution in 1791
D the amendments concerning the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press and the freedom of religion
6 The United States produces as much as much as half of the world’s _____.
A wheat and rice B cotton C tobacco D soybeans and corn
7 Which invention marked the beginning of “The Age of Visual Information”?
A Newspaper B Telegraph C Laundry machine D Television
8 The theory of American politics and the American Revolution originated mainly from _____.
A George Washington B Thomas Jefferson
C John Adams D John Locke
9 The District of Manhattan is in the city if _____.
A Washington D.C. B San Francisco C New York D Chicago
10 The seats in the Senate are allocated to different states_____.
A according to their population
B according to their size
C according to their tax paid to federal government
D equally
1 C, 华盛顿、杰弗逊和弗兰克林都是美国创建时的元老功勋、而William Penn 是美国宾州的创始人。
2 A, 新政是罗斯福为了应对美国经济大萧条而提出的。
3 C, 就面积而言, 美国是世界第四大国。
4 D, 对此有决定权的是教育委员会。
5 C, 人权法案是于1791年增补到宪法法案上来的前十条修正案。
6 D, 美国出产占世界一半的是大豆和玉米。
7 D, 开创人类视觉信息革命的重大发明是电视机。
8 D, 美国的许多政治观念都是来源于英国著名哲学家约翰•洛克。
9 C, 曼哈顿是纽约市的著名经济和商业区, 也是纽约的中心地带。
10 D, 美国每一个州在参议院中均有两位议员作为代表,与各州人口无关和众议院不同)。
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