会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 11:42:11


1 The Rocky Mountains is located in _____.
A Great Britain B Australia C South Africa D North America
2 Hollywood, the centre of American movie industry, is closest to which city?
A Los Angles B Chicago C New York D Washington
3 Which of the following is an American newspaper?
A The Guardian B Newsweek
C The International Herald Tribune D The Daily Telegraph
4 The U.S. is called a “melting pot” because _____.
A its steel industry is highly developed
B it has great influence on the world
C it is an important economic center of the world
D people from different races live there together
5 The first Puritans came to America on the ship _____.
A Codpeed B Susan Constant C May Flower D Discovery
6 Americans celebrate Memorial Day on the last Monday in May to honor those who have _____.
A given their lives for their country
B made great scientific discoveries
C won American great reputation in sports
D donated large amounts of money to the country
7 “Trick or Treat” is a phrase that children often use when they celebrated _____.
A New Year’s Day B Veteran’s Day C Halloween D Christmas
8 The Easter egg and the hare, two of the symbols most frequently associated with Easter, are considered to present _____.
A vigor and bravery B fertility and new life
C originality and speed D happiness and fun
9 Which of the following books is not written by Mark Twain, whose real name is Samuel Langhorne Clemens?
A The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
B The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
C Life on the Mississippi
D Leaves of grass
10 Which of the following books is written by Washington Irving?
A Nature B The Scarlet Letter C The Sketch Book D Farewell to Arms
1 D, 落基山脉位于美国西北部, 向东南延伸。
2 A, 好莱坞和迪士尼均位于洛杉矶。
3 B, 《新闻周刊》是美国的报纸, 而《国际先驱论坛》是法国的, 《卫报》和《每日电讯》为英国的。
4 D, 美国被称之为“大熔炉”是因为来自世界各地的人们所带来的各自的文化在此交融形成独特的多元文化特征。
5 C, 首批清教徒到美国时乘坐的船是“五月花号”。
6 A, Memorial Day 是美国的阵亡将士纪念日。
7 C, 万圣节是美国的传统节日。万圣节前夜, 孩子们带着各种面具, 穿着奇异的衣服,跑到邻居家门前,高声喊着:“Trick or Treat”,向大人们讨要糖果。不给的邻居就会遭到小孩的恶作剧。
8 B, 复活节彩蛋和兔子是“多产和新生”的象征。
9 D, Leaves if grass 是 Walt Whitman 的作品。
10 C, Washington Irving 被称作是美国文学之父, 这是他最有名的作品。A 是 Ralph W. Emerson 的作品, B 是 Nathaniel Hawthorne 的作品, D 是 Earnest Hemingway 的作品
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