会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 22:08:15


  第四、要观点明确 逻辑性强
  基于T 友们具有了丰富的词汇和语法的基础,写句子已经不是什么难事。但是,如何写好观点明确、逻辑性强及对比宣明的好文章,一是和个人知识及想象力的多少有关,例如,It has recently been announced that a new movie theater may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer。
  在每次练习写作文前,看几篇和你想写的命题相关的范文,记一些例子和句式;另外,注意看范文里论点和论据是如何展开,以及写作思维,对比一下你自己的写作思维。 在写的时候一定要卡时间,超过30分钟就不要写了,反过来再看范文,对比一下。如果你没有写完,没有关系,总结经验最重要,分析一下为什么没有写完,是因为单词拼写耽误时间了,还是想不出来论点如何展开。多数人犯的是第二个问题,这个一是需要时间练习,二可以根据偶提供的办法解决。
  大家在审完题后(花2分钟想一下2-3个论点),把想到的论点在电脑上列个提纲。先把第一段,最后一段写完,及第二、三或四段的首句写完——首句就是论点,每段的body都是围绕这几个点来。如此,既防止写不完的情况发生,又不会写偏题——因为你在写首句的时候已经检查了和主题一致与否。把整个框架打好(在此申明,这个不是模板,模板太死板,虽然有它的好处,但是模板不能fit每个不同的命题),再来想论据去支持论点。 这一点就看个人的功底了。如果字数够了,没有犯过大的语法错误,无论文章内容丰富与否,至少不会低于20分了。
  字数最好控制在320-450之间,太多或低于300都不好。太多的话,除非你写得很到位,字字珠玑,否则有流水账之嫌。建议大家多精练句式和逻辑思维。句式不一定要很复杂,如很多从句之类的,这里指的是地道的英语表达方法; 文章中最好简单句兼插从句。精练句式有助于咱们提高写作水平和质量,不在乎写得多少,只求写得精及准确与否;逻辑思维可帮助我们很快的展开论据支持论点,有条有理,读者读着心情也舒畅。
  1、Agree or disagree/preference
  大家再练习作文的时候,一定会有个问题盘旋在你脑海,如果问题是问do you agree or disagree…。或do you prefer which statement or point…。。咱们是该全否定呢?全赞成的 还是中立?但是如果全否定或全赞成好像又太偏激;中立呢,又跑题了。
  都不妥!ETS不是SB,她出的题大部分98%是有争议性的,在众多的考生中有赞成的有反对的,她是见惯不惯了,一看咱们开始写反对或赞成,她就能机械化的对号入座,想都不用想就知道咱们写的什么理由;这样也有好处,至少不会认为咱们不是地球人,看咱们的文章也熟悉不费事。但是想在这种情况下得高分或满分却需要一定的功底和应试技巧。对于前一段提到的问题,如何写好Agree or disagree/preference题型呢?最好是按照一下格式来写。
  对于第一种题型-Agree or disagree有时确实不好完全否定一个而赞成另个观点,折中的方法就是,点题表明你的立场——支持哪个,然后在文章中稍微带过关于你不同意的观点——其实它也有些优点,不要说得太多。在结尾时再强调你自己赞成的那个观点,这样就perfect的。
  二:让步。用of course, for sure, 开头,引出你相反观点里很明显的优点(记住是很明显的,公认的优点),用一两句话写过。
  三:用nevertheless, however, in contrast,等引出你自己的观点,这才是正文。
  在此,偶想提一下关于as far as I am concerned 或from my point of view这些句子的用法。

  这种引出自己观点看法的句式不是在每个命题里都可以用的。有些命题不能用,如,preference类,因为你已经支持了一个观点,从头到位都是用你自己的观点在说你所支持的那个观点,但后面就不要再说as far as I am concerned的话了,听起来就像,我喜欢苹果不喜欢香蕉,为什么? 因为XXX;根据我的观点,XXXX-。听起来是不是有些怪怪的?

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 22:08:16


</p>  下面一片文章是按照以上结构写的一篇Agree or disagree:
 131 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Only people who earn a lot of money are successful. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer。
  Obviously, a millionaire may be one of the successful tycoons who have numerous money and assets. They may readily swim in the commercial and political ocean since they are rich and powerful. However, it is superficial to simply say that only people who earn much money are successful. One could become successful by doing a big job if he or she bites the bullet in work and can be with a little luck to get the opportunity to fulfill his or her dream or mission。
  For sure, some people may argue that rich people are powerful, who are also successful. We have to admit that money is able to enrich people's physical lives and can be saved as incredible fortune to their descendants who may enjoy the brilliant lives for long time。
  However, it is hard to believe that rich people are only the samples or role models of successful people. Some scientists as Newton and Edison have contributed numerously to the world of international development in science, physics, biology, mathematics and so on. Most are not rich but successful. For many, they spent most of their time in the labs to do the experiments which were the processes that have been transformed dramatically from theories to practices. These processes have unbelievably changed our lives and world. On the other hand, most scientists always keep in mind to apply the financial grant from the governments or individual donors. So, are they successful because they are rich? I do not think so。
  Moreover, people who hold much money may become respectable but not successful by doing something meaningful. As all we know, money is not panacea, however, nowadays anything couldn't be done without money. Generally, anything will be done meaningfully with proper ways and a loving heart. For example, if people who are rich donate a bit of their savings to Hope School or financial institutions to help the poor children or disabled people, hence it may illuminate many children's or disabled people's lives and careers, and may totally change their lives. Probably, some of these children might become the great scientists or powerful tycoons in the future. Who knows? As a matter of fact, those who help the children or disabled people are lovely and respectable but not successful。
  Therefore, it is pretty clear that I disagree with the statement that only people who earn a lot of money are successful. As far as I am concerned, the value of success will be represented by many significant factors. Money is a little piece of rag of them, which can not be either overemphasized or ignored。
  2、why类型的题,如People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, and increased knowledge).Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer。
  People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, and increased knowledge).Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer。
  With the development of society, many people are inclined to go to university instead of finding job after high school. Among various motives that drive people to attend college or university are career preparation, increased academic knowledge and new pre-social experiences。
  Career preparation may be the most common reason people attend college or university. Nowadays the phenomenon of the high education requirements from many companies is progressively outstanding. As is known to all, people may get the better job after graduation. Despite the difficulties of the admission from colleges or universities, people still want to cross into the door to go to university. As the culture of China, some students, who are lack of good condition of study, attempt to go to university learning more knowledge and gaining more opportunities since they know this way may be the only and best path which not only leads toward their brilliant future also changes their lives entirely。
  Academic knowledge can be much easier accumulated regularly by learning in university. Of course, people can learn knowledge through other ways such as to learn on their own, to read and even observe. However, through the traditional media of colleges or universities, they are the easiest and fastest ways to obtain academic knowledge. This means the teachers in universities, either our instructors or mentors, are able to convey the knowledge, mentally or physically, much more efficient through the adequate methods than other ways such as self-study. Thus, people in college or university can avoid the mistakes that happened before, which can save their much more time to learn something else。
  New academic experiences help people not only to obtain knowledge but only to understand the social relationship before contacting society. University, in fact, is an academic society which is smaller than our regular society. However, the complication of relationships between students and teachers, among classmates, boys and girls is almost the same as that of relationships of our big whole society. Clique may occur in university like the community or group in common society. Teens that have interests in common like spending their time in the cliques, most of which are related to music, sports, books, or painting. They are very popular in every university. In fact, students who stay in the cliques are consciously or subconsciously tend to learn how to get along with others before attending the regular society。
  From the reasons I mentioned above, it is pretty clear why people attend college or university that are career preparation, increased academic knowledge and new pre-social experiences. As far as I am concerned, attending college or university is a prerequisite preparation before young are mature. People may accumulate essential skills in university to avoid some evitable troubles。
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