会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 22:08:15


  8月21日托福分数才出来, 我一看, Reading: 30 Listening: 30 Speaking: 28 Writing: 30   Total: 118   阅读听力: 没的说! 30满分, 必须的!
  经验: 多看科普文章, 推荐Scientific American 杂志
  听力多听 IPod Podcast Science+ 1 minute Science...etc集中精力 + 一定要看经典加试(神经元细胞 Glial Cells 查Wikipedia;浪漫主义诗歌 William Woodsworth   Romanticism VS Neo-Classicism)
  口语: 托福口语机经, 熟记在心!
  经验: 熟背机经, Practice makes Perfect
  写作: 总结一条---多写必得高分, 模板一定要套
  经验: 多运用模板, 争取 Integrated 写足300字,Independent写足500字!
  记住:字数〉质量 Quantity outweighs Quality.
  祝同学们在今后考试中刻苦努力, 付出必定有回报!
   Really deserves applause and standing ovation!
  Lastly, I post here a really risque joke about TOEFL score.
  A: Why my TOEFL score status is check-in?
  B: Chill out, you miffed stickler. Well, you know, associate it with your experience at a hotel. After you check-in, you really need to enjoy the Bacchanal binge of this spree. Take you time, the best comes last, right? Corollary won't come without a predence.
  A: Seems that somebody is gonna solicit me, huh?
  B: It's really important to importune! You Bet!
  (以上对话包含大量美国俚语,pun 双关语,double entendre or innuendo,希望大家多了解美国文化,这样才能彻底提高英文理解水平 )
  Beloved, building up yourself on yourfaith, praying from aubades to complines, no matter a lark or an owl, your lucubrations will ultimately transform into cornucopia!
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