会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 22:08:15


  apart / E5pa:t / ad.1.[空间、时间方面] 成距离,相间隔 2.分离地,分开地,分散地 3.有区别地
  apartment / E5pa:tmEnt / n.一套公寓房间,房间
  compart / kEm5pB:t / vt.分隔,把…分隔成若干部分
  compartment / kEm5pB:tmEnt / n.1.卧车包房,(客车车厢内的)隔间 2.分隔的空间
  depart / di5pB:t / vi.1.离开,出发 2.脱轨,偏离 3.(from)背离,违反 3.死亡
  department / di5pB:tmEnt / n.1.部,部门,系 2.(法国的)行政区
  departure / di5pB:tFE / n.1.离开,出发 2.脱轨,偏离 3.背离,违反
  impart / im5pB:t/ vt.1.告知,透露 2.赋予,给予
  impartment=impartation impartial / im5pB:FEl / a.公正的,不偏不倚的,中立的
  paragraph / 5pArEgrAf,5pArEgra:f / n.1.段,段落 2.短文,简讯 3.段落号,节号,参照符号
  parcel / 5pa:sEl / n.1.小包,包裹 2.一块,一批,一群
  a.1.分割,分配 2.包,包裹
  portion / 5pR:FEn / n.1.一部分,一份 2.一份遗产,一份嫁妆
  portrait / 5pR:trit / n.肖像,画像
  portray / 5pR:trei / vt.1.描写,描绘 2.扮演,饰演www.ExamW.CoM
  apportion / E5pC:Fn / v.分配,分担,分派
  proportion / prE5pR:FEn / n.1.比例 2.部分,份儿 3.均衡,相称
  v.1.使成比例 2.使均衡,使对称
  proportional / prE5pR:FEnEl / a.1.(to)比例的,成比例的 2.协调的
  逻辑辨证记忆提示:与par, part有关的英文单词围绕着“to part(分开,分离)和part(部分)”造词。这组词难理解的是以下两条造词思维:1)英文用“c”、“s”等字母作单词的构词装饰品,如magnificent, partisan, parcel等;2)英文单词中发音相近的字母可以互相转换,如portion中的port是由part转换而来。
  重点词经典真题例句:In general, the realm’s soils also reflect the broad environmental partitioning into “humid America” and “arid America.”(03.R)
They build a lot of new compartments and the queen lays more eggs.(98.L)
  According to the original records of the flight, the voyage lasted 46 minutes, from its departure in Philadelphia to its landing across the Delaware River in New Jersey.(97.L)
  根据这个飞行的原始记录,这次航行持续了46分钟,从费城起程穿过Delaware River在新泽西州着陆。
  They functioned as sanctuaries where the elders met to plan festivals, perform ritual dances, settle pueblo affairs, and impart tribal lore to the younger generation.(95.R)
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