会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 22:15:45



  Task1:describe an activity you tried and enjoyed recently. Explain why it was enjoyable to you. Include reasons ans example to support your response. (介个,我是照抄的竹子老师的点题班讲义,不过我个人的体会就是一定要注意有一个“new”, 我影响很深刻考的时候有这个字,但是寂静里面没有,所以大家注意哈!)

  Task2:Some people prefer to write diaries or take photos to records things they've experienced. Other'sdon't. What is your opinion and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.(介个几乎一样,木有问题!)

  Task3:不是大学通知!是一个女的在学校报纸上写的proposal,建议extend withdraw class time from one week to three weeks。原因一:有些学生会选a large number of courses,但是其实会吃不消,所以应该给予更多的时间考虑是不是要withdraw。原因二:要看看自己是不是喜欢这门课和老师的风格。

  [对话]女生问男生怎么看,男生说不知道,然后反问女生。女生说此proposal说得好!尤其是对first year students(这里楼主我小啰嗦一下:美国的大学校园里管大一新生叫first year students不叫freshmen,虽然人家也听得懂,但是一听你就是外行,所以大家最好改口吧,让自己显得比较接近美国人的习惯不好吗)。原因一:first year students 通常认为college courses跟以前学过的课程一样简单,所以会选很多,但是等开学了就会发现其实每门课都有a lot of work to do, 此处男生插嘴:没错!有reading materials等等好多呢。女生接着说原因二:开学第一周的课程一般都是regular stuff, background 什么的,学生看不出老师的风格。等学生能看清了,发现自己不喜欢了,却发现the time for withdraw and administration has passed. So they stuck in the courses they don't like but can't drop it.

  Task4:【名词解释】bait price,是一种营销strategy,a store advertises an item on low price,attract customers to the store,然后salesman忽悠你买高价的item

  【教授举例】his friends wanted to buy a laptop that she can use both at home and office, portable to everywhere. Then she saw an advertisement about a laptop that is at amazingly low price. So she went to the store and asked about that laptop. However, the salesman talked to her all about another laptop, more expensive models. He told her that the moreexpensive one is more technologically advanced, and has more powerful battery. And he even let her hold them, to compare the weight. He told her the cheap one is basic, but the more expensive one can meet all her needs. So, she ended up with the expensive laptop even though she went to the store was initially for the cheap price one. By doing this, the store got its profit.

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 22:15:46


Task5:【学生困难】注:这俩人都是学校某社团的leader。上来男人问女人:嘿,咱们那个照片展收集了多少照片了?女人说:50多呢(我为神马听的是500捏~~)~男人说:哇~都是去年的两倍多了,真牛!女人说:可问题是咱们本来是想展览在art building 的lobby里的,可那儿放不开这么多照片啊~
  【解决方案】1女生说可以选出20 best ones,这样还会有high quality。男人却说:但是咱们当初办这活动就是说要把所有submited photos都展览出来的,可是这下好多没选上的人岂不是要disappointed鸟~

  2男生说:嘿咱们搬到administration building那里头那个大房间(貌似是conference room\hall)不就都放得下了么~女生说:是不错,不过那个地方人不常去啊~都木有人来看还有什么意义啊~男人说:是诶,我好像顶多一个月去一回……

  Task6:【讲课要点】老师讲的是different species cooperate, communicate, even help each other out. 例子:honey guide bird(bird) and honey badger (mammal). 此bird会找bees nest但是can't get honey because there are bees protecting their nest。所以他们就会发出noise,sing a song。 告诉他们的朋友badger,badger听得出来是bird找到nest了,就也make noises,这样就被bird领到了nest前了。等他们到了nest前了,badger就会释放一种bad smell,这种smell 是bees can't stand\bear(不记得原文是用的哪个词了)。然后bees飞走了,badger和bird就都能吃honey了。
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查看完整版本: 2010年11月27日新托福考试口语机经奉献