会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 22:15:45


  8月21日新托福机经出炉啦!以下是考生分享的新托福机经口语部分,即将参加新托福考试的朋友们可以借鉴参考一下试题,以便对新托福考试有更多了解。   Task 1
  第一题:talk about something you wanted to do but never had time to do yet. Describe the details and explain the reason.
  what do you want to do the most, but never have time to do?
  Descripte a thing that you always wanted to do but have not yet done it. Detail and explanations.
  Describe something you want to learn, but you do not have time to learnbefore.描述一个你一直想做却没做的事
  Task 2
  do you prefer to do couples of small assignments or one or two big assignments.
  do you prefer to have several short assignments for a class or one or two long assignments?
  some students prefer short assignments, while others prefer longassignments, which one do you prefer.
  分数由很多很短的作业决定 还是很少很长的作业(我咋觉得我说的中文都这么诡异了
  Task 3
  the university decide to have music performance on every Friday night. And the woman thinks that it is cool. First, she can perform on the performance.Second, she can practice to be relax on a performance, e.x. talk to theaudience. Third, all the enrolled students may enjoy the performance for free.
  3。 阅读:关于学校的咖啡厅又一个新计划:允许学生办音乐会
  学校的咖啡店要停掉,每周五晚举办musician performance, 正在搭建台子,学生的表演和观看积极性都很高。
  第三题:学校要在咖啡屋建演唱的舞台。女生觉得很好,1。可以让自己学习如何在公众面前表演,克服经常,增长经验 2.给同学提供免费欣赏音乐的地方,因为外面的咖啡屋常常要收费。
  第三题 学校要建music club 说下女生的观点女生觉得好有可以唱歌练歌的地方 man觉得贵。
  Coffee shop on campus plan to have live music performed by students on Friday night started next month; the store manager believed that student will largely participate in both performance and attendence for the concert. The female student would like to participate playing guitar and singing. This kind of live music in this area cost a lot; compared to that, the coffee shop provids affordable live music experience.
  阅读 School is going to host music event at cafeteria (of coffee shop, not sure) on Friday evening. Student musician can come to perform at the event. Also there is no charge for students to come to watch the music live show.

  听力 the female student thinks it is a great idea. Because as a student musician, she is provided with an opportunity to practice performing in front of the public. She will practice how to be relaxed and how to talk to audience between each songs. The boy also agrees with the school decision, because students who enjoy watch live shows are able to come to the performance for free. He also mentioned that other music live shows hosted by bars/coffee shop outside of campus need to charge cover fees.

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 22:15:46


</p>  Task 4
  4。阅读:behavior perserance,就是说很多情况下人们相信什么事,即使过后知道这是不对的,但是还会继续做...
  第四题:阅读:关于 brief perservation,听力:教授举了自己小时候母亲让他穿厚夹克以防止感冒,等他长大后发现感冒是由于接触病毒引起的,冬天反而不容易感冒,但他依旧教育自己的孩子多穿厚夹克是为了预防感冒。
  belief perseverance
  有些人hold belief on available information, even though the information is false.阅读举例说妈妈告诉小孩天冷穿夹克保暖可以防感冒,可是小孩长大后知道感冒是因为病毒引起,可是他还是会对自己的孩子说天冷穿夹克,如果孩子问他为什么,他还是会说可以防感冒。
  Belief perseverance. believe is based on available information; even the information is proved to be wrong, people still hold the same belief. i.e. speaker was told by his mom that if he does not wear jacket, hat, and gloves in the winter and go outdoors, he would catch the cold. When he grew up, he understand that winter is least possible to catch cold because the cold virus, the reason for getting cold, is less in winter. However, he still told his son to wear jacket, hat, and gloves before going out of the house.
  阅读中是theory: once people hold on to what they believe, it is unlikely for them to change the beliefs even when they acknowledge the fact which can prove there are flaws in their beliefs.
  听力中的教授用个人经历来解释理论:When he was young, he was told to keep warm in winter because the cold weather will cause him get a cold. Later he acknowledged that cold was caused by virus instead of cold wind, plus it is easier to get a cold in the fall not winter. However, he still believe there is necessary for him to keep warm outdoors in the winter to keep away from catching a cold. He also tells his children to keep warm in the winter too.
  Task 5
  the woman has a problem that she planned to go to a ski class on Sundaynight, but her cousin telephoned her to visit and to have a dinner together.The man's suggestion: 1. ask her cousin if she can change her schedule; 2. (not sure) just attend a part of the ski class.
  女生想参加ski ship但是她的亲戚周六要来。男生建议她1.让她的亲戚改到周五来,但女生觉得这回让亲戚觉得不好2.让女生周日再来参加ski ship,但女生认为这会影响她返回的时间。
  男女生讨论周末学校的ski trip,女生说她很想去,但是cousin周六要来找她。男生给了两了suggestions,第一,让她cousin周五来,这样的话周六日可以去ski;第二,让女生只参加部分ski trip,周日自己开到山上。(问题问你的建议,当时彻底把自己的建议部分忘了...大家注意)
  第5题 关于weekend安排的 女的想去 但要陪她的cousin 在周六因为好久没见了。 男的给出主意 周六出去玩周日陪cousin。
  女生的problem: she plans to go to the ski trip organized by ski club for the entire weekend. However, her cousin will come to town the same weekend and plan to have dinner with her on Saturday evening. She does not want to miss either of it.
  男生的两个solution: 1) talk to the cousin directly to see if they can reschedule the dinner plan to Friday evening, then she can have dinner with the cousin on Friday and go skiing on both Sat and Sun. But the woman is worried to offend her cousin by rescheduling with her.
  2) she can go to part of the trip. she can have diner with the cousin on Sat evening, and drive to the ski place on Sun. But the women is concerned that she will not have enough time to enjoy skiing with the club members.
  schedule conflicts. skii trip of this weekend, however, her cousin is coming for a conference in town and would like to have dinner with her on Saturday night.
  Solution 1. ask the cousin to come on Friday night instead, therefore, she can still go for the trip from Saturday to Sunday.
  Solution 2. have dinner with her cousin on Saturday, and join the trip on Sunday for a couple hours.
  Task 6
  human's activities threaten the marine environment. 2. the trees whichmay hold the shadow are cutting down by people, and the sunshine makes the sealack of oxygen, so it increases the temperature which makes fishes die.
  关于人类行为如何影响native fish。第一,人类为了船运,连接了好多湖和海,引进了新鱼群,或大型的海鱼,有的会变成native fish的praditor,降低得native fish的数量;第二,改变了湖的温度。人类为了造房伐树,但是本来树是可以遮阳,从而降低湖水温度的,低温的湖水会带来更多的氧气,但是现在氧气减少了,native fish就会窒息而死。
  Fresh water ecological system have been changed due to human activities, which endanger the native fish species by two ways:
  1) To introduce the new species from the ocean to the fresh water system by building canals connecting the ocean and the lake. Then the new species may eat the native fish and risk in the size of the native fish.
  2) To change the environment of the fresh water ecological system which the native fish need to survive. For example, when the trees around the lake are cut off, there is no more shade covered the water. Then the water will lack in oxygen which the fish need due to the raise of the temperature.
  freshwater eco system; 2 ways that human being cause the death of native fish; a.is by building canal, results in the coming of new fish speciies, who are predetors of native fish. b. by cutting trees, left nothing to block the sunshine, increase the water temprature, less oxegeon, death of fish.
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