会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 22:15:45


  1、what time in a year do you like most?   2、Dis/agree Having a relaxed or unhurried life is most important for a person.
  text-> university decision : no parking of first year undergraduate student to reduce traffic problem. conversation-> The man doesn’t agree, because there are 8,500 freshmen applying for school parking. The decision won't resolve the traffic problem. University should build new parking lots.
  For example, there is a empty space behind football play ground.
  4、text-> extinction of behavior(意思是行为得不到reward就会停止,最后消失) extinction, people tend to 6 repeat their behavior when rewarded and stop when ignored. lecture-> 举了个例子说明text,妈妈带小孩儿到grocery,小孩儿一看到cookie就大哭不止,妈妈怕丢人妥协买了cookie;以后小孩儿还会这样;妈妈为了让小孩儿停止这种坏习惯,在小孩儿哭得时候,ignore him, allow him crying;以后小孩儿就不这样了。
  5、女:困难:搬家具弄伤了背,平时要带很多教科书,很不方便。男:建议:1。把书放在学校的寝室里面(女说去取花的时间长) 2。walking有利于恢复背伤 3。上课的时候借别人的书看(女说喜欢在书的空白边缘blank记笔记)
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