会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 22:15:45


  1、What qualities should a leader have?
  2、Do you agree or disagree: people should always tell the truth?
  3、Reading:大学准备关闭学生的art gallery。
  Listening: 男生反对该决议:(1.) 该大学艺术系学生多,作品来源不成问题。( 2.) 学校的宣传做得不好,经常是展览结束后了,才有介绍文章出来,大家都不知道有展览。问的是男生的观点和理由。
  W: Did you read the school newspaper? The art galley will be closed in a few days.
  M: Hum, I knew the decision. You know what? I am going to write an e-mail to Dean to complain about this plan.
  W: So, what are you complaining about? It looks they have done nothing wrong about it. You know, not too many art majors take the advantage of the gallery and display their works there.
  M: Ah, that is true, obviously. But...but they see only part of the truth.
  W: What do you mean?'
  M: Well, let me put it this way. The reason that many majors don't display their works in the gallery is that they take the chance of exhibiting in the gallery very seriously. So they always wait until everything is perfect before sending their works to the exhibition.
  W: Aha, I didn't know it before. But how would you explain that only very few students come to the gallery even during the period of exhibition?
  M: We will probably blame the school for its poor communication. The publicity of new exhibitions is often late and inaccurate. There were even quite a few times that when we finally saw the introduction of an art display in the school newspaper, the exhibition was over already.
  The man expresses his opinion of the university's plan. Please state his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.
  4、Reading: 心理学一概念:讲你希望对方成为什么样的人,你就应该按照你希望他(她)成为的那个样子去对待他(她)。
  Listening: 一个实验,有一组随机挑选的小学生,但教师被告知他们(她们)都是是精挑细选的优秀生。老师因此努力教学,经常鼓励,小学生短期内成绩提高。所以证明了阅读材料中理论的正确性。
  5、男生参加校emergency response team,需要大量训练以达到国家标准,没有时间做literature reading,为此苦恼不已。女生给出两个解决办法:1. 放弃这个队明年再重新加入。男生说不行,如果这样,他队内位置会被别人取代。2. 与director谈,要求用两学期而非一学期完成训练。问题是总结男生的问题和女生的建议,并说说自己的看法。
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