会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 22:15:45


2012年3月18日托福独立写作范文【版本2】   (由于机经回忆版本不同,故提供两个版本范文供同学们参考)
  2010.8.21NA转自:考试网 -
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? We should never be impolite to another person.
  Nowadays there is a wide agreement that courtesy is considered to be a basic quality people should have. However, people have conflicting opinions on whether we should always be polite to others. Though the majority of people insist that we should never be impolite to another person, I can hardly agree.
  Admittedly, being polite is necessary in most occasions. Mostly, opportunities and luck lie in courtesy. For example, an interviewer is more likely to offer a position in the university students union to a polite student instead of a rude one; a professor tends to help a kind student with his problems. However, to say that we should never be impolite to another person is an overstatement because exceptions do exist.
  First, being polite sometimes means we encourage harassment. Consider celebrities. Pop stars have huge fans that are eager to know the tiniest things about their idols’, not only their new songs, new movies and public activities, but also who they are dating and where they go for dinner in their private life. In order to capture striking news and sell it to the press, paparazzi stalk famous people wherever they go and take photos out of nowhere. Honestly, these actions seriously interfere with the celebrities’ daily lives. Once, a famous singer who was pregnant went shopping with her assistant. The paparazzi waited outside the shopping mall and crazily took photos of her, which will harm her baby. The singer begged them to stop shooting photos, but the paparazzi just did not listen. Not until her assistant yelled at them and threatened to accuse did the paparazzi finally leave. That is a case that politeness does not work.外语学习网
  Secondly, when a crime happens, it is ridiculous for us to be polite to criminals. On one hand, it is hard to imagine policemen walk toward a criminal on a crime scene and inform the criminal in a tender voice that he is under arrest. The normal and reasonable action for policemen is to pull out their guns and shout “freeze!”, then handcuff the criminal. No one would agree that pointing guns at others and handcuffing them are polite, but it is rudeness that works when arresting a criminal. In addition, being angry about the crime, the witnesses would criticize the criminal and express their resentment. Staying calm and being polite would be regarded cold-blooded.www.examw.com
  In conclusion, although it is basic for people to be polite most of the times, there are exceptions that urge impoliteness. Therefore, the claim that we should never be impolite to others is an overstatement. (433 words)
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