会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 22:15:45


  Task1: Which challenge do you think in the list is the most difficulty for the university students?
  Being far away from family
  finding time to relax
  making new friends
  Task2: Do you agree or disagree? only student who study in university will success in their career.
  Task3: Student letter: Not allow to ride bicycle
  because sidewalk is narrow, may injure to other students
  The woman disagreeInsight learning --> process that animal cannot solve problem at first time, but after they thinking, they can solve the problem.
  Professor gives example of Chimpanzee to illustrate this process. In experiment, banana were hang on the sling and chimpanzee cannot reach. So it try to reach by jumping a few time, but it cannot get banana. Then it give up and sit down for awhile. The scientist observe it. At first thought, they think it will jump again, but it do the other way. Chimpanzee use box on top of other box until it can reach banana. This is the process that professor explain.
  Task5: The woman's problem is that she should send her finished paper this afternoon or send it tomorrow because the professor sent email that students can delay to send paper until tomorrow morning. So the man offers 2 solutions.
  1.send it this afternoon and then she can relax with her friend because she did not see them for long time.
  2.send it tomorrow and stay focus the mistake and she will put another data, such as, graph, which help paper better than now.
  Task6: How analysis ancient artifact.
  There are 2 ways
  1.Using surface feature --> New Zealand have Giant step to the hill.
  2.Using specific plant --> Bead Nut tree was grown at central america.
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查看完整版本: 托福机经:2012年6月17日大陆托福口语机经分析二