会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 22:15:45


  1。你認爲以下哪個職業最困難,最辛苦:1。(忘了),2。(忘了),3。Police Officer. 記性差,莫見怪。。。
  3。Reading: changes in career service. Listening: woman thinks it's great. Reasons: 1. One day, she went the office(forget the name...), the adviser was really helpful. Told her what to put in her resume and how to do the cover letter. 2. Changes will benefit the students in the program a lot. Last year, her sister had an internship. Because she was such a good writer (or, something? I forget), she was offered the job position after the graduation.
  4. Reading: availability error. People experienced an event which made great impression on them. Although there is evidence that it won't happen, people still believe it'll happen again.
  Listening: The prof. talks about his own experience. Years ago, he and his wife went for a trip in an island. Unluckily, it rained all day, so they had no chance to explore the beach. Since then, whenever they plan to travel, her wife never wants to go to the island again, even though the prof. has checked that it doesn't rain that so often.
  5. Listening: The man has a problem. This year is his calculus prof.'s first teaching. He isn't used to his way of explaining... The prof. teaches too fast, he gets confused. Two solutions: 1. He says he can switch to another calculus section, but has to take it in the evening when he wants to do homework or hang out with friends. 2. He also says he can organize a study group to discuss what they learnt after class. But it'll cost extra time. www.ExamW.CoM
  6. Lecture: The topic is the two benefits of (忘了)。說的是,哺乳類動物哺育後代行爲,就是母獸可能離開小崽子一會兒。倆好處:1. safety benefit. Take deer for example. Deer hide their young in the high grass and only check the nest once a day, because they check the nest too often, it'll be easily found by the predators. 2. The second benefit is that the young don't need to be fed too often(這是我記得的,感覺不太像好處。。。). For example, the milk of the rat is rich in nutrients. The young just need to have a little and that's enough... (現在感到越來越奇怪,同志們再去參考下別人的吧。。。)
  1。Reading: Many birds died at the night of New Year's Day in the town. It might be related to the fireworks. 3 reasons: 1. (好像是,記不清了)Birds died at the same time when the fireworks were set off. People found that birds fell down... blabla... 2. Birds weren't poisoned or (forget a 2nd reason), but people found injuries. So they must be injured by the impact the fireworks. 3. Most of the birds are red-winged blackbirds. They have weak night vision and seldom fly at night. Only when something unusual happened, like the firework, they fly at night.
  Lecture: Disagree. 3 reasons: 1. There are actually two places where we find dead birds. One is in the town, and the other outside town, where there weren't fireworks. So fireworks couldn't be the reason for either case. 2. The birds were indeed injured, but there are other possible reasons, for example, they were pushed by the weird air pressure down to the ground. 3. In fact, red-winged blackbirds are the most common birds in this area, so it's natural that they were the most common victims.
  2。When you are assigned an important presentation for work or school, you prefer to work on it right away so that you can work on it a little bit every day, or wait until you have a good idea about the presentation?
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查看完整版本: 托福机经:2012年7月28日托福北美机经转播1