会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 22:29:13


 新托福考试推行四年来,ETS出了上百道口语题,但实际上可以归为几大类,大家如果以点带面,根据分类后的口语机经来复习会省时省力得多,下面就是托福名师整理的托福考试独立口语(task1 task2)机经分类汇总:

  1. 你认为对你最有用的一本书,并解释原因。

  1. describe a book that you think is interesting

  1. 杂志,小说,诗歌,喜欢哪个

  1. 谈谈写过的poem/essay/letter,说它对你的重要性

  1. Describe a letter or poem or …that is important to you

  2. 有人爱读幻想文学, 比如小说, 有人爱读纪实文学, 你喜欢哪种?

  2 which one do you think is better to help do research, internet or academic books?

  2. 一口气看完一本书还是分次看完?

  2. 喜欢读小说作品,还是非小说作品比如历史和传记?给出理由。


  1. The most efficient transportation in your country。

  1. Bicycle, automobile, airplane哪种更enjoyable,给reasons examples.

  1. 说近100 年最important 的invention 之一

  1. 在这一百年之内有很多发明,说一个你觉得对你生活改变最大的.

  1. Describes the most important gift

  1. Describe the gift you have given to others and why it is important?

  1. Describe an art such as song or painting that gives you long lasting impression.

  Favorite room

  1. An important object to you

  1. 介绍你最喜欢的房间,可以是你自己的卧室或是其他的。


  1. Favorite sport of your country.

  2 Prefer indoor activities or outdoor activities

  2. When going to vacation, do you prefer to have outdoor activity or indoor activity?


  1. Which sentence do you think is very meaningful to you?

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 22:29:14


  1. 人们度过free time的方式各不相同,有人读书有人锻炼。说说你是怎么度过free time的

  1. 你是怎样自我调节,放松?

  1. What kind of film do you like most?

  1. 你最想念家里的什么?

  1. 说你喜欢Film of comedy, drama,舞台剧的还是什么的的哪个,我就说了Comedy,后面的压根儿没看;

  1. Favorite time of a year

  1. What do you usually do to relax

  1. 你喜欢穿什么样的衣服

  2. 你是喜欢自己在家里吃还是去外面餐馆吃?为什么?

  2. 愿意在办公室工作还是在家工作,为什么。

  2. Do you prefer watching news on television or reading news on newspaper?

  2. 你喜欢尝试unfamiliar food还是避免?

  2. 喜欢团队合作还是独立完成工作?

  2. Do you agree or disagree: People should always tell the truth?

  2. 有些人评价别人用short-term,有些用long-term,你prefer哪个?

  2. Communicate with your family and friends by letter and e-mail or by telephone?

  2. Relaxed and unhurried life, yes or no? Pt:Agree or disagree

  2. Journey在旅行时,有些人喜欢直接到达目的地,有些人却喜欢沿途一路上观光。

  2. 城市建设中应该保持old building呢还是应该用new building replace old building?

  2. 你觉得在你的free time里,和很多朋友(large group)在一起好,还是只有很少的朋友(small group)在一起好?

  2. 和朋友一块去演唱会或看电影好不好

  2. Which do you prefer: spending time with friends in restaurant or at home?

  2. 你是否同意和一大帮朋友一起去看戏或电影能给人更多快乐的感觉

  2. Some people prefer to watch films or concerts with some friends. Others prefer to watch films or concerts alone. Which do you prefer and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.

  2. A or DA:童年时光最美好

  2. Do you think life is much better if your grandparents are still alive?
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