会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 22:34:35


    38. What was bob Johnson’s reaction to the man’s commons.
  39. What will the man probably seen to bob Johnson.
  Listen to a talk given by a history prof.
  The calron in west USA in the late 18 hundreds. As the industry develop so did the house ridding contests we called radios. Radios was always to begin at we see nowdays. The first want small contast started at among competition people restore to reflect to cowboys. Although they didn’t clue both man and woman. One do the cowboys was to guide the cattle from grass rangers into town along the railroad lines where the cows were load on the trains. The cowboys would gather near the cattle towns to complete for cattle house writer. They were demonstrated to riding skills that learned survival. And the ordiens was composed mainly of other cowboys who watch the competitive. Since they knew what they want. Radio context took a different turn in the 1890’s . When organizers began to hold a cowboys sports during yearly every cultural affairs. What was different with the ardins it consist mostly people who were unfamiliar with the rage. They were amazed by the sth writers and intenllence houses. The radio at every cultural affairs became so popular that the racher and business people begin to organize radio independent events set from affairs. The organizers still large riners and earn money by requiring spectator to pay masion. More and more notable radios held annually in wem. It called fronter days. While is not the first independent radio, but is the owl this annually show. It has been 1897
  40. What is the topic mainly about?
  41. What can be inferred about the early radio?
  42. What is the significant about the fronter days
  Biological class
  We spend looking at for a biological perspective. And someone asked with the attendance to be fillfull djl. Some studies indicate that mammal still to some degree. In one study for instance, a group of mice placed in the bright open buck for the now hiding places. Some of the mice wondered
  Around the bars and didn’t appear to be bothered about being so exposed. But other mice didn’t move. Which indicate they were afraid? Well, when ferful mice or you might say anxious mice like ones stayed in one place. When mice like this bread but one another were repeat, after about 12 also generation. Then all of the offspring show similar sign for ferful mice. And even when the new born mouse from this generation with rice by a mother, and with other mice were not ferful, mice still attend to be ferful as the dot. Now, why is this? Well, it’s sought that the gene specific have influence the anxious behavior. This gene that associated with particular nerve in brain. And the degree of overall ferful mice in the mammal seem to depend in the large part. The present all expense this nerve cell seperator. And this appears to apply to umans and well by the way. But well the attandency talled may will be in trade. The specic form that take has more to do individual environment. So a pectuliar affair likes the ferful snake or the ferful spider not attk. But overall the attendance to have ferful is.
  43. What is the talk mainly about?
  44. How did some of the mice in the study demonstrated that they were afraid?
  45. According to the professor, what contribute to a mammal tendency to be ferful?
  46. Why does the prof. Mentions snakes and spiders?
  Listen to a part of talk in the geology class.
  One type of natural springe geography interest is a teasin spring. Hiking through the world some of to see water flowing from the opening ground. That will no more ever. That may tension spring. To help you understand why water might flow like underground. I‘d like to experience two basic condition necessary for there formation. The first condition is the water not be contain. And acrofer isn’t underground layer of rock sediment that has poles or holes in it. And this poles rock allows water to flow it freely. The acrofer must be inclined so that the over the surface of the ground. Rain water enters this through exposed and traveled downward to the lower portion of the acrofer. The second condition is that above and below the acrofer there must be layer of none rock or clay. Either code acclouds, and they block or hinter the flow of water. Acclouds prevent water from draining out acrofer. So, let us go back to our tension spring. There usually located above the ground near the lower and wind clind acrofer. A tension spring there places some hole crack stand from the ground surface, down through the acrocolud. And into the acrofer. Now the rain moder that had drained into the acrofer makes expose up raind created pressure at the low raind .so if there is crack in the rock, a cracked that run from the acrofer surface, then the pressure pushes the water up through it. And water constrately out of the tension spring.
  47. What is the topic mainly about?
  48. Why are the acroclode important to the development of the tension spring?
  49. According to the prof., how does water in the acrofer reach the ground surface?
  50. What does the prof. Say about the pressure
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