会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05


1.accept, except, accept 是动词,except 是介词。
F:They excepted my invitation to dinner.
T:They accepted my invitatipn to dinner.
F:Everyone attended the meeting accept the secretary.
T:Everyone attended the meeting except the secretary.
2.advice, advise, advice 是名词,advise 是动词。
F:His advise was very useful.
T:His advice was very useful.
F:I was adviced to purchase an economical car.
T:I was advised to purchase an economical car.
3.affect, effect. affect 是动词; 意为influence. effect可以是动词也可以是名词。动词effect意为cause to happen, 名词effect意为the result。
F:Pollution effects everyone.
T:Pollution affects everyone.
F:Your tears do not effect me.
T:Your tears do not affect me.
F:What is the affect of that drug?
T:What is the effect of that drug?
4.most ,almost most 是形容词almost是副词。
F:Most everyone has a desire to succeed.
T:Almost everyone has a desire to succeed.
F:The student was most finished when the bell rang.
T:The student was almost finished when the bell rang.
F:The children ate most all of the pie.
T:The children ate almost all of the pie.
The children ate most of the pie.
5. already, all ready. already 意为 before the time specified. all ready 意为 completely prepared。
F:The movie had all ready begun by the time we arrived.
T:The movie had already begun by the time we arrived.
F:Are you already to go?
T:Are you all ready to go?
6.altogether, all together. altogether意为thoroughly. Alt together 意为 in a group。
F:All together confused, he asked me to explain the word again.
T:Altogether confused, he asked me to explain the word again.
F:The passengers stood altogether in the station.
T:The passengers stood all together in the station.
F:He checked out a large amount of books from the library.
T:He checked out a large number of books from the library.
F:I was amazed by the amount of people present.
T:I was amazed by the number of people present.
F:Elephants can consume a large number of food.
T:Elephants can consume a large amount of food.
8. anywheres, somewheres, everywheres. 去掉s。
F: We can talk anywheres.
T:We can talk anywhere.
F:I lost my umbrella somewheres in the store.
T:I lost my umbrella somewhere in the store.
9. about, around. around指地点,about意为approximately
F: The mail arrived around ten o‘clock.
T:The mail arrived about ten o‘clock.
F:He is around six feet tall.
T:He is about six feet tall.
10.because, because of.because是从属连词后跟从句,because of是介词,后跟名词或名词短语。
F:The game was canceled because of it was raining.
T:The game was canceled because of the rain.
F:We could not see because the poor lighting.
T:We could not see because the lighting was poor.
F:He can move the furniture easily because of he is strong.
T:He can move the furniture easily because of his strength.
11.beside, besides.beside 意为next to,besides意为in addition to.
F:Beside Tommy, Helen and I attended the concert.
T:Besides Tommy, Helen and I attended the concert.
F:He was sitting besides the pretty girl.
T:He was sitting beside the pretty girl.
F:We visited California beside Oregon.
T:We visited California besides Oregon.
OR We visited California. Besides, we visited Oregon.
    12.between, among. between 用于两个人或两件事物,among用于三个以上的人或物.
F:The law was debated between the senators, the representa-tives, and the judges.
T:The law was debated among the senators, the representa-tives, and the judges.
F:There is a dispute between the local union members.
T:There is a dispute among the local union members.
F:You must choose among the two plans.
T:You must choose between the two plans.
13.but, hardly, scarcely.这几个词带有否定意味,不要再与另外否定性的词连用。
F:I couldn‘t hardly see him in the dark.
T:I could hardly see him in the dark.
F:She didn‘t earn but thirty dollars last week.
T:She earned but thirty dollars last week.
F:He doesn‘t spend scarcely any money on clothes.
T:He spends scarcely any money on clothes.
14.different from(不是 different than).
F:The result was much different than what I expected.
T:The result was much different from what T expected.
15.do, make.这两个词含义不同。
F:They did a peaceful agreement.
T:They made a peaceful agreement.
F:I never do fun of other people.
T:I never make fun of other people.
F:It‘s time to do the sandwiches.
T:It‘s time to make the sandwiches.
F:Rarely does he do a mistake.
T:Rarely does he make a mistake.
F:I‘ll do the arrangements for the party.
T:I‘ll make the arrangements for the party.
F:Will you make me a small favor?
T:Will you do me a small favor?
F:Before she left the house, she did her bed.
T:Before she left the house, she made her bed.
F:The president did an interesting speech, didn‘t he?
T:The president made an interesting speech, didn‘t he?
F:My father refuses to make business with dishonest people.
T:My father refuses to do business with dishonest people.
F:The teacher did the examination difficult.
T:The teacher made the examination difficult.
16.equally as 后接形容词是错误的,应该用equally+ 形容词 或者as+形容词+as。
F:The second lesson was equally as difficult as the third.
T:The second and the third lessons were equally difficult.
The second lesson was as difficult as the third.
F:Jim and his brother-in-law are equally as tall.
T:Jim and his brother-in-law are equally tall.
Jim is as tall as his brother-in-law.
17. expect, suppose, think. Suppose和 think后面不跟不定 式, Expect 后面不跟名词性从句。
F:He thinks to return in May.
T:He expects to return in May.
He thinks (or supposes) that he will return in May.
F:1 suppose to see you tomorrow.
T:I expect to see you tomorrow.
I suppose (or think) that I will see you tomorrow.
F:I expect that he is busy now.
T:I think (or suppose) that he is busy now.
18.farther, further. Farther 指距离; further 表示时间,程度和数量等概念。
F:Chicago is further north than Fort Worth.
T:Chicago is farther north than Fort Worth.
F:I can give you farther information about this later.
T:I can pive you further information about this later.
F:How much further did he run than she did?
T:How much farther did he run than she did?
19.few, a few, Few 有否定的含义, 意为 not many, A few 有肯定的含义, 意为 some。
F:He was so tired that he stopped playing for few minutes.
T:He was so tired that he stopped playing for a few minutes.
F:There were a few chairs left, so I had to stand up.
T:There were few chairs left, so 1 had to stand up.
F:The meeting was canceled because a few members attended.
T:The meeting was canceled because few members attended.
F:Most people in Mexico speak Spanish, but few speak English.
T:Most people in Mexico speak Spanish, but a few speak English。
20. fewer, less.fewer指可数名词;less 指价值, 程度或数额。
F:The class consists of less than fifteen students.
T:The class consists of fewer than fifteen students.
F:He spends fewer time on his studies than on his golf game.
T:He spends less time on his studies than on his golf game.
F:It is true that less girls than boys become engineers. T:It is true that fewer girls than boys become engineers,
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