会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05


  clumsy a.笨拙的;不好看的;粗陋的
  cluster n.串;束
  clutch v.抓紧 [握]
  clutter n.喧闹
  coadjutor n.助手;伙伴 [ adjutor adjuvare -jut- help ADJUTANT副手;副官]
  coalesce v.联合;合并
  coax v.甘言劝诱
  coaxal a.同轴的
  cockade n.帽章
  coddle v.娇养;溺爱
  codicil n.遗嘱的附录 [ codicillus, dimin of CODEX法律;规则]
  coerce v.强迫
  cog n.轮齿 [ prob of Scand orig]
  cogent a.使人信服的
  cogitate v.思考 [ cogitare think( AGITATE骚动)cogitation(常~s)(文语)思考(力),熟虑;深思 after much ~ 经过] [思熟虑之后 cogitable 可以思考的,可做思考题目的]
  cognate a.同源的;同性质的 [ cognatus(natus born)]
  cognizance n.认知 [ conoisancecognoscent-cognitio:COGNITION认识;知觉]
  cognomen n.姓
  cohere v.凝聚 [ cohaerere cohaes-( haerere stick)coherent 互相密合的;凝聚性的cohesion 团结;凝结力]
  coherence n.n.附著;凝聚;结合
  cohort n.一队兵;同事 [ cohorte orcohors cohort- enclosure围绕, company]
  coincide v.与...一致;符合;暗合
  colander n.滤器;漏锅 [ colare strain 拉紧]
  collaborate v.合作
  collate v.校勘;对照 [ collat- pp. stem of conferre compare]
  collateral a.并行的;旁系的 [ collateralis(侧面;旁边的)]
  collation n.便餐;核对
  collide v.碰撞;冲突;抵触
  collier n.煤矿工人;运煤船
  colloquial a.会话的;口语的 [ colloquium COLLOQUY(."谈话,会谈")(文语)(正式的)对话,会谈]
  collusion n.共谋;骗串;勾结
  colorable a.似是而非的;貌似可取的
  comatose a.昏睡的;无生气的
  combustible a.易燃的
  comely a.美丽动人的 [ cumelich, cumli prob becumelich BECOME]
  comestible n.a.食品;可以吃的
  comity n.礼仪 [ comitas comis courteous彬彬有礼的]
  commandeer v.征募(兵役等);征用 [ commander COMMAND]
  commence v.开始;着手;得学士学位
  commensurate a.同量的 [ commensuratus(COM-, MEASURE)]   commingle v.混合
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