会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05


  contravene v.违反;抵触
  contrite a.悔悟的
  controvert v.否定;否认 [ controversus(CONTRA-, vertere vers-
  contumacious a.不听命令的 [ contumax, perh rel to tumere swell]
  contumely n.傲慢;侮辱 [ contumelie contumelia(COM-, tumere swell)]
  contusion n.打伤;撞伤 [ contundere contus-(COM-, tundere thump)contuse v]
  conundrum n.含恢谐、双关之意的谜语 [如]
  convalesce v.渐渐恢复;痊愈 [(."变强") convalescere(COM-, valere bewell)convalescence 渐愈;恢复期]
  convene v.召开;开会 [ convenire convent- assemble, agree, fit(COM-, venirecome)]
  conventional a.传统的;习俗的 [ conventionnel or conventionalis(CONVENTION大会;协定;惯例)]
  conversant a.精通的 [ pres part of converser CONVERSE交谈;相反的]
  convert v.改变;变更 [ convertere convers- turn about(COM-, vertere turn)]
  conveyance n.运输;交通工具 [可搬运 (传达,转让) 的]
  convict v.证明;宣判有罪[ convincere convict-(COM-, vincere conquer): noun obs convict convicted conviction (陪审员)有 罪判决, 定罪;确信
  convivial a.快乐的;欢乐的 [ convivialis convivium feast(COM-, vivere live)]
  convoke v.召集 [ convocare convocat-(COM-, vocare call)convocation召集,集会]
  convoluted a.旋绕的;回旋状的 [ convolutus(COM-, volvere volut- roll)]
  convoy v.护送 [ convoyer var of conveier CONVEY传达;运输;转移]
  convulse v.使震动 [("撕裂") COM-, vellere pull The island was ~d by the eruption convulsant 引进痉挛的;抽搐的;惊]厥[剂] convulsion 震动;动乱;抽筋
  coop v.拘禁 [ cupe basket MDu, MLG kupe,cupa cask]
  copious a.很多的;丰富的 [ copiosus copia plenty]
  coquette n.卖弄风情之女子;狐狸精
  cordon n.警戒线
  cornice n.飞檐 [ cornix -icis crow 啼叫;乌鸦]
  corporeal a.肉体的;物质的 [ corporeuscorpus -oris body]
  corpulent a.肥胖的 [ corpulentuscorpus body]
  corpus n.全集;全部资料
  corroborate v.确定
  corrosive a.腐蚀的 [ corosif -ive(CORRODE腐蚀;破坏)]
  cortege n.行列
  coruscate v.闪烁;焕发 [ coruscare glitter闪烁]
  cosmetologist n.美容专家;美容师
  cosmic a.宇宙的;广大无边的
  costume n.服装;剧装   coterie n.(由共同兴趣组成)小团体
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