会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05


  Lesson 12What Job Do I Want? 我想做什么工作?
  aphorism n. 警句,格言
  apology n. 道歉,歉意
  apotheosis n. 神化,典范
  appall vt. 使惊骇,使恐怖
  appeal n. 吸引力;vi. 呼吁,恳求;上诉,申诉
  appease vt. 使平静,满足
  appetite n. 胃口,食欲
  applaud vi. 喝彩,欢呼;称赞,赞成
  appliance vt. 用具,器具
  applicant n. 申请人
  application n. 申请;施用,运用
  apply vt. 应用,适用;vi. 申请
  appoint vt. 任命,选派
  apportion vt. (按比例或计划)分配
  apposite adj. 适当的,恰当的
  appraisal n. 评估,评价
  appraise v. 估计,评价
  appreciable adj. (数量或变化等)很大的,足以感受到或产生影响的,值得重视的
  appriciate vt. 赏识,鉴赏;感激;(充分)意识到;领会,体会,觉察;充分理解
  appreciation n. 欣赏;口味,兴趣

  apprehend v. 逮捕;领会,理解;忧虑,畏惧

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:06


</p>  Have you heard of the aphorism, "Procrastination is the thief of time'? I think it applies to me. I need to thinking about a job for which I have apposite skills. I think it would appease my parents if I do so this summer. Otherwise, I'll have to make an applogy to them for brrowing money again.
  Should I be a chef? It would be fun to appease the appetite of hungry people. But I don't even know how to operate the simply appliances in my kitchen!
  Maybe I can appraise property for a real estate company. How hard can it be to make an appraisal? But I'd have to be good at observing the appreciable differences between various properties.
  Perhaps I should be a criminal lawyer. I could use my big sad eyes to appeal to the judge for mercy. However, I don't think my parents would appreciate my choice. Defending murderers and thieves would appall them.
  What about being a pliceman! I could apprehend crinimals and put them in prison. I can imagine the warm feeling of appreciation I would get for saving someone's life. On second thought, I don't think I can be an applicant for a position that involves guns.
  I could be a politician. I'd have the power to appoint people to positions of importance. But then I'd have to make really difficult decisions like how to apportion our limited water supply.
  What I'd really to be is an NBA basketball player like Michael Jordan. He's the apotheosis of athletes. Everyone applaunds his amazing skills. But I should be more realistic, shouldn't I?
  I think I better start with a simpler job. This summer, I'll submit an application to McDonald!
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查看完整版本: 第12期托福英语学习:托福词汇12