会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05


  Lesson 18 A Change of Pace 改变步调
  auspice n. 前兆;(s)赞助,支持
  auspicious adj. 预示成功的,有利的,幸运的
  authentic adj. 真迹的,真的;可靠的,确实的
  authenticate vt. 证明(某物)为真
  authoritative adj. 权威性的,可信的;(有)权威的,官方的
  authority n. 权力,极限;(某领域的)权威人士;authorities 当局
  authorize vt. 授权,批准
  autobiography n. 自传
  autocrat n. 独裁者
  automated adj. 自动化的
  automatic adj. (尤指机器)自动(化)的;(人)无意识的,机械的
  automaton n. 机器人
  autonomous adj. 自治的,独立的
  autonomy n. 自治权,自治
  auxiliary adj. 辅助的;补充的
  available adj. 自由的,有空的;可利用的,可得到的;有资格干某事的;愿意感某事的
  avalanche n. 雪崩
  avant-garde n. 先锋派(艺术流派之一);先锋,前卫
  avenge vt. 复仇,报复

  average adj. 一般的,通常的;平庸的;n. 平均水平;平均数;vt. 平分为

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:06


</p>  Joining the Peace Corps is an auspicious start to a career in the Foreign Service. Peace Corps volunteers perform charitable function in developing countries under the auspices of the U.S. Government. They primarily serve as auxiliary advisers or teachers. Most volunteers are average citizens just looking for a change of peace.
  Every volunteer receives a uniform. It's clean but far from avant-garde. You also receive a handbook. It's an authoritative manual for survival in your host country.
  The handbook contains some useful tips for staying out of trouble in a foreign country:
  1. Always respect the authorities in your host country.
  2. Don't authorize anyone to use your identification card.
  3. When crossing a mountain pass in the winter, beware of avalanche conditions.
  4. Be alert for possible attacks by terrorists trying to avenge a loss.
  5. Make certain that anything valuable you buy is authentic.
  6. Always authenticate large bills before accepting them.
  Some assignments are dangerous. You might be sent to a country with an autocrat for a ruler. You may need to work near an area where rebels are fighting to obtain autonomy. Some regions are already autonomous but are fighting to retain control.
  Most assignments are not dangerous. In my first assignment, I was sent to a small Latin American country to help build an automated water supply system. The only difficult I had in that country was cooking for myself. It's too bad they haven't invented an automaton that can make breakfast in the morning.
  If you're available for at least a full year of service, you can apply to join the Peace Corps. Acceptance is not automatic. Perhaps at the end of your service, you will be able to write an autobiography of your adventures abroad.


会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:07


</p>  手册中包含一些关于如何在国外避免麻烦的好建议:
  1. 始终不渝地尊重所在国的政府当局。
  2. 不要授权任何人使用你的身份证。
  3. 冬天过关隘时,小心雪崩状况。
  4. 警惕恐怖分子为所受损失而可能采取的报复性攻击。
  5. 确保所购买的贵重物品真实可靠。
  6. 在接受任何大额票据时,一定要证明其真实性。
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