会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05


  Lesson 20 Voting Day in San Rico 圣黎各的投票日

  bald adj. 秃头的,光秃的
  bald eagle 秃头鹰(美国国鸟)
  balk vi. 阻碍;犹豫,不愿做
  ballot n. 选票
  ban vt. 禁止;查禁
  banal adj. 陈腐的
  band n. 乐队;队;(光或颜色的)带;vi. 联合,集合
  bandanna n. 大手帕
  bandit n. 强盗
  bandleader n. 乐队指挥
  bandmaster n. 乐队指挥
  bang n. 发出砰的一声,重击
  bankrupt adj. 破产了的
  bankruptcy n. 破产
  banner n. 旗帜,标语
  banquet n. 宴会,盛会
  banter n. (善意的)取消,逗弄;v. 善意地与人开玩笑
  bar n. 酒吧;snack bar 快餐店;条,棒;栅

  barb n. (鱼钩等的)倒钩;倒刺

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:06


</p>  Initially, I balked at my editor’s request that I cover the presidential elections in San Rico. San Rico was known for its bandits. Just one year ago, we had been banned from traveling there because of the danger. This year, the government promised political reforms and crime control.
  Could thing have changed so much in only one year? Not in my mind. I imagined the worst. I anticipated burly bald man wearing bandannas, riding around on motorcycles and harassing voters. I pictured a bankrupt candidate, making a banal speech to a bored crowd, and claiming that his bankruptcy would not interfere with his government duties. I even expected the ballot box to be wrapped in barbed wire, with blood dripping from some of the barbs. What I didn’t expect was a bandmaster and the bang of a drum!
  When our foreign press plane arrived in San Rico, we were greeted by a cheering crowd and a marching band. There was even a bald eagle. The bandleader led us from the plane, through the throngs of smiling people, and into the packed center of the city. There was big red banners hanging from every building, encouraging people to vote. Secure voting booths stood on every corner with people standing in long lines to cast their ballot. I had never seen so much enthusiasm for an election.
  It was a new and exciting beginning for the people of San Rico. I reported it all in my story and faxed it back to my editor. After attending a wonderful banquet, I found myself sitting at a bar, listening to the banter about the election.
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