会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05


  censor v. 检查,审查;n. 检查员
  censure v. 责难,非难
  census n. 人口调查,人口普查
  centennial n. 百年纪念
  centigrade adj. 摄氏(温度)的
  ceremonial n. 仪式;adj. 正式的
  ceremonious adj. 讲究仪式的,隆重的
  ceremony n. 典礼,仪式;礼节
  chafe vt. 擦热,擦破
  chagrin n. 懊恼,失望
  chamber n. 室;房间
  chamber music 室内音乐
  champion n. 冠军;拥护者;vt. 支持;主张
  championship n. 锦标赛
  chaos n. 混乱
  chaotic adj. 混乱的
  chapel n. 小礼拜堂
  character n. 角色;性格
  characteristic adj. 典型的,表现

  characterize vt. 描绘,叙述;表现。。。的特色,刻画。。。的性格

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:06


</p>  It’s 25 degrees centigrade and it’s a beautiful day for golf! Welcome to the centennial celebration of the Golden Golf Tournament in Bend,Oregon. One hundred year ago, the population of this town was under 10,000. Today, the census tells us that the population is over 1,000,000.
  The golf course has grown too. It’s no longer just a small country golf course with unique character. Now, it’s a multi-million dollar resort with characteristic charm. The course grounds now include a new hotel with a chapel. In each sleeping chamber, you can hear the pleasant sounds of chamber music as it was played 100 years ago.
  Last year’s champion has returned to defend his title. Three other previous champions will also be playing. Perhaps this championship will determine who is the best Golden Golfer this decade.
  The start of the match is often chaotic. Throngs of spectators try to get themselves in the best position to see the action. There’s a lot of pushing going on out there. Although I wouldn’t characterize it as a chaos, it’s getting pretty wild. I can see a dense crowd of people pushing their way towards the front of get a better view of the opening ceremony.
  Minutes from now, the tournament master will ring the ceremonial bell with his gold hammer. As usual, the players are formally dressed for this ceremonious occasionWhile we’re waiting, let’s talk a little more about golf. We’ve seen some unusual tough matches this year. Our network censors have had a difficult time screening our some of the rough language. Some of the players were censured for swearing. Nothing causes more chagrin than being officially reprimanded. It’s almost as bad as being chafed by a brand new pair of golf shoes!
  And there’s the sound of the bell
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