会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05


axis of sight 瞄准轴
axis of sighting 瞄准轴
axis of symmetry 对称轴
axis of visual cone 视锥轴
axis (复数:axes)轴
axisymmetric 〔al〕轴对称〔的〕
axle 轴
axle mirror 转轴反射镜
axle neck 轴颈
axle pin 轴销
axometer 测〔光〕轴计,调轴器
axonometrical drawing 轴测图,不等投影图
axonometry 轴测法
azeotropism 共沸作用
azimuth (1)方位角,方位(2)〔地〕平径〔度〕
azimuth and elevation scope 方位角高低角显示器
azimuth angle 方位角
azimuth axis 方位轴
azimuth coverage 方位范围
azimuth finder 方位指示器,测向仪
azimuth indicating goniometer 方位角指示器
azimuth laying reticle 方位〔角〕瞄准十字线(分划板)
azimuth micrometer 方位角测微器
azimuth of vibration 振动方位
azimuth polarimeter 旋光仪,方位偏振仪
azimuth quadrant 方位像限仪
azimuth resolution 方位角分辨率
azimuth scale 方位分度器
azimuthal (1)方位角的,方位的(2)水平的
azimuthal angle 方位角
azimuthal mode number 方位角模数
azimuthal quantum number 角量子数
azimuthal resolution 方位分辨率
azobenzene 偶氮苯
azote (N)氮
页: [1]
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