会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05


forbiddenness 禁戒性
forbiddenness of a transition 跃迁禁戒
forbush decrease 富布希递灭
force (1)力,势(2)强迫,强制
force of restraint 约束力
forced air cooling 强迫风冷
forced air cooling tube 强迫风冷管
forced convection 强迫对流
forced draft(forced draught)强制通风
forced feed (1)强制送进(2)压力供油
forced flexural wave 强迫弯曲波
forced frequency 受激振荡频率
forced life test 强制寿命试验
forced mode locking 强制锁模
forced oil self cooling 强制油自冷
forced synchronizing 强制同步
forced thermal scattering 强制热散射
forced transition 受迫跃迁
forced-dipole transition 受迫偶极子跃极
forcedoscillatino 强迫振荡
forceps 镊子,钳子
forceps screw 紧固螺钉中华考试网(www.Examw。com)
fore arm (1)前臂(2)前支架
fore axis 前轴
fore line value 前级管导阀
fore pressure 前压强
fore-and-aft level 纵向水准器
fore-optics system 输入光学系统
forebody 前部
forecasting technique 预报技术
forecooler 预冷器
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