会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05


 object 1  / ˈɔbdʒɪkt; ˋɑbdʒɪkt/ n
  solid thing that can be seen and touched 可见到及可触摸的实物; 物体: glass, wooden and plastic objects 玻璃﹑ 木质和塑料的物体 * There were several objects on the floor of the room. 房间的地板上有几样东西.
  ~ of sth person or thing to which sth is done or some feeling or thought is directed 对象, 客体(行为﹑ 感觉或思想所及的人或物): an object of attention, pity, admiration, etc 注意﹑ 怜悯﹑ 欣赏等的对象 * This church is the main object of his interest. 他最感兴趣的是这座教堂. * The sole object of all the child's affection was a soft toy. 那孩子最心爱的东西是个柔软的玩具.
  thing aimed at; intention; purpose 目标; 意向; 目的: with the object of going into business 有打入工商业的意向 * with no object in life 无生活目标 * fail/succeed in one's object 在追求个人目的方面失败[成功] * His one object in life is to earn as much money as possible. 他生活的目标就是尽可能多挣钱.
  (infml 口 esp Brit) person or thing of strange appearance, esp if ridiculous 怪模怪样的人或物(尤指可笑者): What an object you look in that old hat! 你戴着那顶帽子, 样子可真怪!
  (grammar) noun, noun phrase or noun clause which refers to a person, thing, etc affected by the action of a verb, or which depends on a preposition, eg in He took the money and He took what he wanted, `the money' and `what he wanted' are direct objects; in I gave him the money, `him' is an indirect object; and in I received the money from her, `her' is a prepositional object 宾语(受动词影响的或受介词限制的人或事物, 由名词﹑ 名词词组或名词从句充任, 如在He took the money和He took what he wanted两句中, the money和what he wanted是直接宾语; 在I gave him the money句中, him是间接宾语; 在I received the money from her句中, her是介词宾语). Cf 参看 subject1 4.
  (idm 习语) expense, money, etc no `object expense, etc is not important, not a limiting factor, etc 费用﹑ 钱等并不重要﹑ 不是限制因素等: He always travels first class expense is no object. 他出门总是用头等票–费用不成问题.www.examw.com
  # object glass, object lens = objective2.
  `object lesson practical illustration of some principle, often given or used as a warning 实际教训: Let this accident be an object lesson in the dangers of drinking and driving. 这一事故可以作为醉酒驾驶危害的实际教训. object 2
  / əbˈdʒekt; əbˋdʒɛkt/ v
   ~ (to sb/sth) say that one is not in favour (of sb/sth); protest 不赞成(某人[某事]); 反对; 抗议: She wanted to cut down the hedge, but her neighbour objected. 她想把树篱剪低些, 可是邻居不同意. * I object to such treatment /to being treated like this. 对这种待遇[受到这样的待遇]我表示抗议. * I object to the plan on the grounds that it is too expensive. 我反对该项计画, 理由是花费太大.
   give (sth) as a reason for opposing sb/sth 以(某事物)为理由反对某人[某事物]: I objected that he was too young for the job. 我反对的理由是因为他太年轻, 不适合做那件工作. * `But he's too young,' I objected. ‘但是他太年轻了, '我表示了反对意见.
  > objector n person who objects 反对者; 抗议者: objectors to the plans for a new motorway 反对修筑新高速公路计画的人 * conscientious objectors 拒服兵役者(因觉不合道义).
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