会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05


belonging to times long past 古代的; 远古的: ancient civilizations 古代的文明. (托福考试里几乎只考过这一个意思)
   (usu joc 通常作戏谑语) very old 极老的: I feel pretty ancient when I see how the younger generation behaves. 看到年轻一代的举止行为, 我觉得我太老了. =>Usage at old 用法见old.来自www.Examw.com
   > the ancients n
  people who lived in ancient times, esp the Greeks and Romans (尤指希腊及罗马的)古人.
   # ,ancient `history history of the Greek and Roman civilizations 古代史(希腊及罗马文明史).
   ,ancient `monument (Brit) old building, etc recognized by the Government as worth preserving 古迹 (尤指英国政府认为值得保存的古代建筑物).
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