会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05


Paraller / ˈpærəlel; ˋpærəˏlɛl/ adj
  (a) (of two or more lines) having the same distance between each other at every point (指至少两条线)平行的: parallel lines 平行线. =>illus at converge 见converge插图. (b) ~ to/with sth (of a line) having this relationship with another one (指一条线)与另一条线平行: The road runs parallel with the railway. 该公路与铁路平行.* The road and the railway are parallel to each other. 该公路与铁路相互平行.
  exactly corresponding; similar 相对应的; 相同的; 类似的: a parallel case, career, development 相同的事例﹑ 职业﹑ 发展.
  > parallel n
  1 (also ,parallel `line) line that is parallel to another 平行线.www.ExamW.CoM
  2 (also ,parallel of `latitude) imaginary line on the earth’s surface, or a corresponding line on a map, parallel to and passing through all points the same distance north or south of the equator (地球或地图的)纬线, 纬度圈: the 49th parallel 第49纬度线.
  3 person, situation, event, etc that is exactly similar to another 极相似的人﹑ 情况﹑ 事情等: a career without parallel in modern times 当代无匹的业迹.
  4 (a) comparison (used esp in the expression shown) 对比, 比较(尤用於以下示例):draw a parallel between A and B 把A和B相比较.(b) similarity 相似处: I see parallels between the two cases. 我看这两种情况有相似处.
  5 (idm 习语) in parallel (of an electric current) having the negative terminals attached to one conductor and the positive ones to another (指电流)并联. Cf 参看 series 2.
  parallel v 1 be equal to (sth); match (sth) 与(某事物)相当, 相匹敌:His performance has never been paralleled. 他的表演举世无匹.
  be comparable or similar to (sth) 可与(某事物)相比; 与(某事物)相似: Her experiences parallel mine in many instances. 她的经历多与我的相似.
  parallelism / -ɪzəm; -ˏɪzəm/ n state of being parallel; similarity 平行; 相同; 相似; 类似; 对应: Don’t exaggerate the parallelism between the two cases. 不要夸大那两件事的相似性.
  # ,parallel `bars pair of bars on posts, used for gymnastic exercises 双杠.
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