会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:24


  painter ----> art
  painting ----> picture
  paper ----> form // newspaper // assignment
  park ranger ----> park service employee
  parking meter ----> park the car
  part-time job // get ----> hire
  pass ----> ticket
  pass ----> not fail
  pass ----> go without
  pass back ----> return
  pass by ----> detour
  pass down through the centuries ----> conventional
  pass out ----> give out
  pass with flying colors ----> do extremely well

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:25


  passion ----> hobby
  patronizing ----> customers
  pay sb. a visit ----> talk to sb。
  perform ----> play
  performance auditorium ----> concert hall
  permanent home // has gotten bigger and better every year ----> for a long time
  personalize // his ~ days ----> his past
  pharmacy ----> store
  phone ----> tell
  phone book ----> telephone directory
  photo ----> picture
  physical activity ----> exercise
  physical fitness ----> physical condition
  pick up ----> get
  picture ... as ... ----> imagine ... as ..。
  plain ----> easy
  plan to ----> want to
  plates and bowls ----> dishes
  play it by ear ----> do sth. without a plan
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