会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:24


  occasionally ----> sometimes
  occupy one's time ----> wait a long time
  odd ----> surprise
  Of course not (mind). ----> welcome
  Oh, no. ----> sorry
  on edge ----> nervous
  on end ----> continuously // for some time // for quite a while
  on my own ----> herself
  on one's own ----> (by) oneself
  on the courtyard ----> outside
  on the news ----> on television
  on the second floor // take the stairs up ----> on the floor above
  on time ----> avoid being late
  on your desk ----> in an office
  once // no longer ----> not anymore
  once and again // from time to time // on and off // off and on ----> sometimes // occasionally
  One day's as good as the next. ----> He's available any day。
  one in a million ----> rare
  one more ----> another
  one step at a time ----> gradually
  One's job search was unsuccessful. ----> sb. was unable to find a job。
  one's schoolwork be suffering ----> be interfering with one's studies

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:25


  only ----> part
  only a couple of times ----> twice // two times
  only a ten-minute walk ----> not need to take a car
  only occasionally ----> once in a while
  only sb. can't ----> almost everyone can
  only three of ... ----> most of ... not
  only try to help ----> One's intention be good。
  optional ----> sb. can do sth. ... if sb. wants to
  organize ----> take care of
  other than ----> except
  ought to be easier // unless ----> might be difficult
  out of breath // run // rush ----> hurry
  out of date ----> up to date
  out of it // in another world ----> think only about
  out of order ----> not work // break down
  out of print for sometime now ----> no longer available
  out of the way ----> finish
  out of this world ----> delicious // like sth. very much
  outcome ----> result
  outgoing ----> friendly
  out-of-date ----> up-to-date
  outstanding ----> good
  over ----> end
  over one's head ----> beyond sb. // not understand
  overcome her fear of public speaking ----> not afraid to give a speech
  oversleep ----> absent
  oversleep // on time // in a hurry // inside out ----> be rushed
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