会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:24


(A) be just the formality(B) be not essential
(A) be on the way (B)pass by (A)
(A) be worseprefer (B) to (A)
(A) cast on sth. to (B)(B) get sth. from (A)
(A) get sth. donesomeone do for (A)
(A) is far more importantshould (A) before (B)
(A) ride with (B)(B) give (A) a ride
(A) send (B) to do sth. for (A)(A) can use (B)‘s sth. later
(A) tell (B) a day ahead of time what (A) need.(A) request materials a day in advance.
(A) will miss (B)(B) won‘t be able to go someplace
(A) wouldn‘t have gone to someplace(B) doubt (A)‘d leave for someplace
(course) be cut // double the tuitionhave financial trouble
(every) once in a while // (every) now and then // every so oftensometimes // (only) occasionally
(parking) lot(parking) place
... and ..., tooseveral
~ not ...? // Have/Will/Sure/Is ...? // What if ...? // How/What about ...?suggest // recommend // should // can // may // would like // Please ...
3 quarters of a blocknot too far
48 hourstwo days
65 buckstoo expensive
a 2-ton trunk‘s lift off my shouldersShe is relieved that
a beach personoften to the beach
a certain thing // put up withget used to
a couple ofa few // several
a craft person and an artistart and technology
a few days late // out of questionmust be in time
a few days to think abouttime to decide
a good change of paceas a diversion
a large sizenot fit
a large waistgain weight
a later planeanother flight
a little forgetfulnot remember
a little the worse for wearworn-out
a lost cause // have one‘s heart on sth.not be able to change one‘s mind
a lot of couragevery brave
a lot of time // only every spare timea large amount of time
a million thingstoo much
a million timesvery well
A six-month membership costs as much as 5 individual months.The membership fee is lower.
a small groupseveral
a specimen from the past // demisean extinct bird
a week from tomorrowin eight days
a word I saywhen I speak
accept any more excuseslisten to any explanation
accept the chargespay for sth.
adaptbe used to
adding a new wingaddition
advisorvaluable experience
after allpreviously
agencyhire someone
Ah, nuts.Oh, no.
ahead of timein advance air conditioningcool
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